Pixel Archmage Codes (May 2024)

Use Pixel Archmage codes to grab Rubies and other rewards.

pixel archmage codes
© Super Planet

Pixel Archmage is a role-playing pixel game in which players can conquer the magic and conquer the battlefield. All the living things have turned into evil monsters, and the world needs you to bring peace back to the world. For this, you might need our Pixel Archmage codes. These helpful resources will bring you Rubies, the most important resource for this game.

Active Pixel Archmage Codes

This was last updated on May 23

Try redeeming active Pixel Archmage codes below to claim free rewards.

  • EZQQ - Use code for 30,000 Rubies
  • ARCHMAGEGOGO - Use code for 24,000 Rubies
  • QAGF - Use code for 30,000 Rubies

Expired Pixel Archmage Codes

The codes below don't bring any rewards.

  • ZHPY
  • JLDX
  • HBDS
  • ARCHMAGE2024
  • EKOV
  • VNWE
  • BRMZ
  • MOHB

How To Redeem Codes In Pixel Archmage

Redeem Codes In Pixel Archmage
© Super Planet

If you're looking for free rewards, follow the steps below. We've explained the steps to redeem codes in Pixel Archmage:

  1. Open Pixel Archmage on your device
  2. Tap on the Settings cog on your screen
  3. Click on the Coupon button in the pop-up menu
  4. Enter the working code into the text area
  5. Press Confirm and grab in-game rewards

Where Do You Get Pixel Archmage Codes?

Unfortunately, the developer of Pixel Archmage doesn't have any social media accounts where you can find codes for this game. To stay updated on the latest freebies, bookmark this guide (press Ctrl+D). We'll add new codes every week.


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Nazarii Verbitskiy

Nazarii is a writer who wears many different hats. He works on codes for EarlyGame, while also writing guides on Mobile Matters. He previously wrote for WhatIfGaming and Gfinity Esports....