Villains Robot BattleRoyale Codes (May 2024)

Choose an ideal robot and equip your best guns!

Villains Robot BattleRoyale Codes

Villains Robot BattleRoyale is an action title where you appear arrested in the distant future of space. Fight against robots and try to remain the last one standing in space. Redeem Villains Robot BattleRoyale codes that will help you choose the ideal robot and equip it with the best guns to survive longer!

Active Villains Robot BattleRoyale Codes

This was last updated on May 23
  • FAMILYMAY2024 - Use code for 5,000 Gold, 500 Battle Tokens, 500 Hell Points
  • WELCOMENA - Use code for Free Rewards
  • WELCOMEASIA - Use code for Free Rewards

Expired Villains Robot BattleRoyale Codes

  • VSTART123

How To Redeem Codes In Villains Robot BattleRoyale

Redeem Codes In Villains Robot BattleRoyale

Follow the steps below to redeem codes and claim rewards in Villains Robot BattleRoyale:

  1. Launch Villains Robot BattleRoyale on your smartphone
  2. Click on the Menu button and head to the menu
  3. Tap on the Settings cog in the pop-up menu
  4. After that, press the button Coupon Exchange located in the Account tab
  5. Enter the working code into a proper text box
  6. Click the button Enter and claim rewards

If you're after more freebies, follow Villains: Robot Battle Royale Facebook group that collects codes, news, and important information about the game.



Nazarii Verbitskiy

Nazarii is a writer who wears many different hats. He works on codes for EarlyGame, while also writing guides on Mobile Matters. He previously wrote for WhatIfGaming and Gfinity Esports....