LoL Swarm Event: Everything You Need To Know!

Anima Squad is back and this time around we're getting our very own new game mode called Swarm. So let's go over LoL Swarm and everything you need to know.

Swarm Event
LoL Swarm Event: Bullet overload! Get ready for pure chaos! | © Riot Games

Get your dodge skills ready, because enemies are raining down! The big LoL summer event brings the new Swarm mode for the next few weeks, a game mode full of powerful enemies and even more powerful Anima Champions.

In addition to a completely new game mode, we can also look forward to over 10 new skins in the Anima Squad series, including 2 Prestige skins. So, mark your calendars for the big Patch 14.14 on July 17, 2024. If you can't wait any longer, you'll be able to try out the game mode on the PBE server starting from the end of June.


LoL: Swarm Event Duration

The event starts with the big Patch 14.14 on July 17, enticing us to play the new mode rather than enjoying the warm summer sun outside. An official end date hasn't been announced yet, but like previous summer events, it will likely be available in the launcher for a month. Whether it returns afterward will depend on the popularity of the new mode. We'll just have to wait and see.

LoL: Swarm Event Gameplay

Swarm will be quite different from the familiar Summoner's Rift combat style. The first major difference will be the controls. In Swarm, we won't move with the mouse as usual but with WASD, a control scheme familiar from other games. It will take some getting used to, but it's doable. After all, what wouldn't you do to protect the world from a civilization-ending invasion of abyssal primordians?

Anima Squad
Are you ready for the cute super-powered anima warriors? | © Riot Games

Gameplay Style

In this mode, you'll be fighting against many, truly MANY enemies while defending your territory. It's essentially a Bullet Hell mode, which means you'll grow stronger through dying, similar to ARAM.

During rounds, you can collect weapons and items, but they'll only provide limited help in the early rounds. After dying, though, you can continue to level up and choose a bonus. As a result, you'll become stronger and stronger with each death.

Player Count

A Bullet Hell game is typically designed for a single player, but we're talking about League of Legends here, a game fundamentally based on teamwork. Therefore, you have the option to either tackle the horde of enemies alone or join the enemy inferno with a group of up to 4 people. It's definitely worth playing in a group as your teammates can revive you at any time. However, for a greater challenge, you should definitely try it alone!

Champions & Skins For Anima Squad 2024

Look at Yuumi's cute design! | © Riot Games

On one side, we have the Anima Squad, and on the other side, the Primordians. We already know some members of the Anima Squad, like Miss Fortune and Jinx, but this event will introduce additional adorable fighters! We will also encounter several Primordians who serve as the boss battles in Swarm. Let's take a closer look at which new Champions we can expect.

Anima Squard
Seraphine - BirdRek'Sai
Leona - LionBel'Veth
Yasuo - WolfAatrox
Illaoi - Bear
Aurora - Bunny
Xayah - Bat
Yuumi - Hologram

Briar will also be part of the series, but she holds a unique position due to her special personality. She is partly a Primordian and partly a member of the Anima Squad. Finally, Briar gets a meaningful role!

Aatrox is also a crucial part of the event, serving as the Warlord of the Primordians. Nothing less was expected of him, after all.


Special Skins In Swarm 2024 Event

With so many new members joining the Anima Squad and the introduction of the new Primordians, this summer event brings along several new skins in the shop. If you're aiming for the Prestige skins, remember that you'll need to purchase the Event Pass, since earning enough tokens without it could be challenging.

Here are the special skins for the Swarm event:

  • Prestige Anima Squad Yuumi
  • Prestige Battle Lion Leona


This is a first look at the upcoming event, and we are very excited about the new game mode, especially Aatrox as the Warlord!

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Freya Engel

Freya practically grew up with video games. She loves the community aspect of gaming and doesn't easily give up, even when a level seems impossible. Her favorite games include League of Legends, Animal Crossing, and The Sims 4....