Apex Legends is well-balanced, but it's not perfect. Some Legends are clearly better than others. So who do the community put most faith in? Who are the most picked Legends in the game?

Thanks to the mother of all leak dumps, we now know about a ton of Legends coming to Apex in the near future. We even know about some of their skins and Heirlooms. But right now we're going to deal with the Legends we actually have in the game, and we're going to answer that most divisive question: who is the most popular Legend in Apex?
What Is The Current Pick Rate In Apex Legends?
We're going to break down these Legends by popularity across three categories: the overall pick rate, the pick rate in Bronze, and the pick rate in Masters. This should give us some idea as to which Legends are being picked because they're great for beginners, and which Legends are being picked because they're seen as the meta.
What Is The Pick Rate Overall?
Here is the overall pick rate for Legends, and it's fairly close to what you would imagine.
Popularity | Legend | Pick Rate % |
1 | Wraith | 12.7 |
2 | Octane | 12.5 |
3 | Bloodhound | 10.5 |
4 | Pathfinder | 8.9 |
5 | Valkyrie | 7.9 |
6 | Lifeline | 5.2 |
7 | Bangalore | 5 |
8 | Horizon | 4.6 |
9 | Ash | 4.6 |
10 | Loba | 5 |
11 | Gibraltar | 3.5 |
12 | Fuse | 3.3 |
13 | Mirage | 3.1 |
14 | Mad Maggie | 2.7 |
15 | Revenant | 2.2 |
16 | Watson | 2.2 |
17 | Caustic | 2.1 |
18 | Seer | 1.9 |
19 | Crypto | 1.7 |
20 | Rampart | 1.4 |
Poor Rampart just never really took off, did she?
What Is The Pick Rate In Bronze Rank?
You can find the pick rate for Bronze beneath. But don't be mistaken in thinking that some of these Legends at the top aren't also good for intermediate or expert players, they just seem to be the most approachable for new players.
Popularity | Legend | Pick Rate % |
1 | Octane | 13.9 |
2 | Bloodhound | 11.9 |
3 | Wraith | 9.2 |
4 | Valkyrie | 8.1 |
5 | Pathfinder | 7.5 |
6 | Lifeline | 6.8 |
7 | Bangalore | 5.3 |
8 | Loba | 4.3 |
9 | Ash | 3.7 |
10 | Mirage | 3.7 |
11 | Fuse | 3.5 |
12 | Revenant | 3.4 |
13 | Horizon | 3 |
14 | Gibraltar | 2.7 |
15 | Mad Maggie | 2.5 |
16 | Wattson | 2.3 |
17 | Seer | 2.3 |
18 | Caustic | 2.2 |
19 | Crypto | 1.8 |
20 | Rampart | 1.6 |
Again, will Rampart ever catch a break? If nothing else, she's pretty cool, and she's one of the few Legends whose backstory isn't incredibly depressing. Maybe she needs a rework...
What Is The Pick Rate In Master Rank?
You can find the pick rate for Master / Apex Predator players beneath. These are the best amateur players in the game, but unlike the pro-scene, they won't always be playing with a full squad. So there's going to be some good solo-queue options near the top that aren't quite as popular at the very highest level of play in the esports scene.
Popularity | Legend | Pick Rate % |
1 | Wraith | 22.8 |
2 | Pathfinder | 12.8 |
3 | Octane | 11.2 |
4 | Horizon | 9.2 |
5 | Valkyrie | 7.4 |
6 | Bloodhound | 7.3 |
7 | Bangalore | 4.7 |
8 | Ash | 4.6 |
9 | Gibraltar | 4.1 |
10 | Loba | 2.7 |
11 | Lifeline | 2.3 |
12 | Mad Maggie | 2 |
13 | Wattson | 1.7 |
14 | Mirage | 1.5 |
15 | Crypto | 1.2 |
16 | Seer | 1.1 |
17 | Caustic | 1 |
18 | Fuse | 1 |
19 | Rampart | 0.8 |
20 | Revenant | 0.7 |
Yes! Finally, Rampart isn't at the absolute bottom of the pick rate. She's second from bottom by .1 %... Okay, enough of us trying to persuade Respawn to give Rampart buffs. And we're not about to upset the Octane mains by suggesting nerfs for him instead. No, we're just going to cross our fingers and hope the devs do the right thing. Just a tweak here or there, and we'll have the perfect balance in time for Capture the Flag's release.