LoL Patch 10.16: Best Mid-Lane Champions

Spirit Blossom Yasuo
Yasuo is a great pick this patch! (Image credit: Riot Games)

League of Legends patch 10.16 has plenty of champions in the middle lane who are outright dominating this patch. Let's discuss some of the best to get you those wins!

League of Legends Patch 10.16 is on-going this week, Riot Games are taking a break to relax, so we thought what better way for you to relax, is knowing who's OP in Patch 10.16! We've got all other lanes covered, so mid will be the final piece in this mini-guide series.

Mid, in League of Legends, is the center of everything, quite literally! Like our previous mini-guides, some champions just do it better than others, and if you're looking for new LoL champion's to play, the middle lane is where it's at! Enough talk, let's get right into it.


LoL Zed
Zed's not dead. (Image credit: Riot Games)

Hoo boy is Zed not dead! Zed's recent buffs to his kit have seen this mid-lane Assassin rise to the top of the list for who to play in the mid lane. It's like Season 3 all over again! We've covered Zed's changes following his buffs in Patch 10.14, which were pretty huge.

Zed's W, Living Shadow, has been reverted to how he was in Patch 3.13! Yes, that long ago. The increased missile speed and additional cooldown reductions have seriously benefitted this mid-lane monster. Go get your Faker plays, Zed's a great pick at the moment.


Debonair galio
Style, class and he's OP. (Image credit: Riot Games)

Big, bold, and broken, Galio is another fantastic champion option for you to pick in the mid lane for Patch 10.16. Using Resolve Runes, Galio deals with crowd control with ease, especially with his W, Shield of Durand, which can taunt your enemies.

Galio is a team-playing champion in the mid lane due to his ultimate, Hero's Entrance, which allows to Galio to leap into the air and travel to a target location, knocking enemies up. Hero's Entrance can be devastating for your enemies when well-timed, so be sure you always have an eye on the mini-map.


Spirit Blossom Yasuo
Yeah, he's broken again. (Image credit: Riot Games)

Yes, Yasuo is broken. Yes, he's strong, but it does take a skilled player to play him! Yasuo saw some huge buffs to his abilities, which we covered extensively, and players were very quickly able to capitalize on that.

Base magic resists increased. R base damage increased later, if you're picking or playing Yasuo, you're going to have a good time in the mid lane. Speaking of Yasuo, did you know he has a secret interaction with Yone? It's pretty incredible.

That about does it for our League of Legends mid lane monsters! If you need to be clued in on the other lanes, we've got you covered:


For everything else League of Legends, keep it here with EarlyGame. Also ring that bell on YouTube for more fun videos!

Sam Batty
Sam Batty