League of Legends Patch 12.23 Notes Highlights: Preseason Adjustments

The 12.23 LoL Patch Notes are out and they look insane. So many changes to champions will be hitting the patch, especially all those buffs for tank champions that already seem broken. But let's check out the patch notes highlights right now.

Zilean Winterblessed
Finally, Zilean gets a skin. | © Riot Games

The LoL Patch 12.23 Notes are out. This is another pre-season patch with Riot making a multitude of adjustments once more, especially for new items and champions that build them. Oh, and we cannot forget about the jungle.

Some champions are getting completely overhauled this patch as well with some major updates. Dr. Mundo is going to have some of the biggest changes and K'Sante is also getting some adjustments, which makes sense with him being the newest champion and all. So let's get into the highlights right now.

Want to know more? Check out our dedicated LoL Patch 12.23 article for every single change this patch.


Dr. Mundo Update In LoL Patch 12.23 Notes

We knew Dr. Mundo would be getting adjusted. Since his VGU he's looked better and has also improved gameplay, but some of the changes have felt rather lacklustre from the OG Mundo pre-VGU. So, Riot has made some more changes to try and bring this unkillable monster up to speed.


Base Stats
  • Base Magic Resist: 32 ⇒ 29
  • Magic Resist Growth: 2.05 ⇒ 2.3
  • Base Attack Speed: 0.72 ⇒ 0.67
  • Attack Damage Growth: 3.5 ⇒ 2.5
Passive - Goes Where He Pleases
  • Cannister Health Loss: 7% of current health ⇒ 3% of current health
  • Cannister Heal: 8% of maximum health ⇒ 4% of maximum health
  • Max Health Regen per 5 seconds: 0.8-1.6% (linear progression) ⇒ 0.4-2.5% (non-linear progression, equal at level 11)
Q - Infected Bonesaw
  • Health Cost: 50 ⇒ 60
W- Heart Zapper
  • Health Cost: 5% of current health ⇒ 8% of current health
  • Gray Health Healed after Not Taking Damage: 0% ⇒ 50%
  • Damage Stored as Gray Health: 25/30/35/40/45% ⇒ 80-95% based on level in the first 0.75 seconds, then 25% afterwards
  • Duration: 4 seconds ⇒ 3 seconds
E - Blunt Force Trauma
  • Passive Bonus AD: 15/20/15/30/35 (+ 25/30/35/40/45 based on missing health) ⇒ 2.5/3/3.5/4/4.5% maximum health
  • Health Cost: 10/20/30/40/50 ⇒ 20/30/40/50/60
  • Cooldown: 8/7.5/7/6.5/6 seconds ⇒ 9/8.25/7.5/6.75/6 seconds
  • Bonus Damage to Monsters: 200% ⇒ 150%
R - Maximum Dosage
  • Missing Health Gained as Maximum Health: 8/11.5/15% ⇒ 15/20/25%
  • [NEW] Mega Mundo Heals: At rank 3, Mundo’s R’s healing effects are increased by an additional 5% per nearby enemy champion
  • [REMOVED] Mundo Mad: R no longer gives bonus AD

With these changes Mundo is going to feel much better. His W is actually a usable ability now with these changes, which is where the community had been most upset with. Hopefully these updates will translate well onto Summoner's Rift as well.

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Zeri Adjustments in LoL Patch 12.23

Zeri is practically getting a whole rework in this patch. She's just too new of a champion for Riot to really call it that, but with the amount of text and changes she's getting it's gotta be on the same scale as a Mid-Scope almost.

Base Stats
  • Move Speed: 325 ⇒ 330
  • Base Attack Damage: 50 ⇒ 53
  • Base Armor: 20 ⇒ 24
  • Base Health: 600 ⇒ 630
  • Attack Speed Ratio: 0.568 ⇒ 0.625
    HP Growth: 109 ⇒ 115
Passive - Living Battery
  • Fully Charged Basic Attack Damage: 90-200 (based on level) (+90%AP) (+1-15% (based on level) target maximum HP) ⇒ 90-200 (based on level) (+110%AP) (+1-15% target maximum HP)
  • Gotta Zip Shield Bonus: 10% multiplicative Move Speed ⇒ 10% Move Speed (Note: this should make the shield stack worse with other Move Speed sources)
  • Bonus Move Speed Duration: 3 seconds ⇒ 2 seconds
Q - Burst Fire
  • Range: 825 ⇒ 750
  • Conversion of Excess Attack Speed to Bonus AD: 60% ⇒ 70%
  • Physical Damage: 8/11/14/17/20 (+ 100/105/110/115/120% AD) ⇒ 15/18/21/24/27 (+ 104/108/112/116/120% AD)
W - Ultrashock Laser
  • Damage Type: Magic ⇒ Physical
  • Physical Damage: 20/55/90/125/160 (+100% AD)(+40% AP) ⇒ 20/60/100/140/180 (+130% AD) (+25% AP)
  • Cast Time: 2.5x Attack Time ⇒ 0.55-0.3 seconds (based on Attack Speed)
  • Missile Speed: 2200 ⇒ 2500
  • Beam Cast Time: 0.75 seconds ⇒ 0.85 seconds
E - Spark Surge
  • Mana Cost: 80 ⇒ 90/85/80/75/70
  • Cooldown: 24/22.5/21/19.5/18 seconds ⇒ 22/21/20/19/18 seconds
  • [NEW] Lightning Rounds are Magic: For 5 seconds after using her E, Zeri gains Lightning Rounds and her Q - Burst Fire will deal additional magic damage to the first enemy hit
  • [NEW] Bonus Magic Damage to First Target Hit with Lightning Rounds: 20/22/24/26/28 (+20% AP)(+12% bonus AD).This damage is increased by up to 65% based on Zeri's Critical Strike Chance.
  • Lightning Rounds Pierce Damage Falloff after First Target Hit: 60/70/80/90/100% ⇒ 80/85/90/95/100%
  • Vision while Sliding on Terrain: 850 units ⇒ 1500 units
R - Lightning Crash
  • [REMOVED] Short Circuited: Zeri’s Overcharged attacks no longer deal 5/10/15(+15% AP) Bonus Magic Damage On-Hit
  • Chain Lightning Range: 450 ⇒ 650
  • On-Cast Magic Damage: 150/250/350 (+80% AP)(+80% bonus AD) ⇒ 175/275/375 (+110% AP)(+100% bonus AD)
  • Kerchow: If Zeri’s R hits at least one enemy champion, Zeri gains 10% Move Speed, 30% Attack Speed, and chaining shots for 5 seconds. Hitting champions with Q or auto attacks refresh this buff by 1.5 seconds. (Note: this buff cannot be extended to be longer than its original duration.)
  • Boundless Energy: Hitting enemy champions grants Zeri 1 stack (3 stacks for critical strikes) of Overcharge for 1.5 seconds. Zeri gains 0.5% Move Speed for each stack of Overcharge, stacking infinitely.

Okay... that's... a lot. But Zeri has been the most failed champion upon release. She is a balance nightmare and has dominated pro for far too long, hence why Riot has decided that it's time to make some big changes. She deals less AP damage now, which was one of the biggest talking points around her kit. Will she still be able to be as strong as before?

ARAM Updates in LoL Patch 12.23

ARAM is getting some big changes this patch as well. The map is going to change a bit and we are getting hextech gates, which Riot has named the Frostgates. These will teleport you to the outermost tower of your team.

The Bridge has also been made a bit wider due to another new mechanic which will see towers falling and crumbling, meaning that they obscure one of the sides of the fallen tower and players cannot pass there anymore. This is pretty cool and will add some unpredictability to your ARAM games.

Don't forget about the upcoming ARAM clash event either guys!

Heartsteel Nerf in ARAM

Heartsteel, which has been one of the best items in the game since release will receive a nerf in ARAM, but not on Summoner's Rift. The item infinitely stacks health which is great for champions like Shen and Dr. Mundo, but now the max health gained, in ARAM, will be nerfed from 10% to 5%.

Winterblessed Zoe
Thankfully Riot reduced the head sie in the splash. | © Riot Games

New Skins Released in LoL Patch 12.23

Finally, our boy Zilean has done it! He's getting a new skin! With over 1,000 days without a skin it's about time and even though his model is outdated and old, this skin will look incredible.

So let's check out which champions got new skins in LoL patch 12.23:

  • Winterblessed Diana
  • Winterblessed Shaco
  • Winterblessed Swain
  • Winterblessed Warwick
  • Winterblessed Zilean
  • Winterblessed Zoe
  • Winterblessed Warwick Prestige Edition

This patch we also get a new mythic shop rotation and with it the final Ashen Knight skin. While Pantheon and Sylas weren't the best choices, Riot nailed it with the final skin for Mordekaiser.

  • Ashen Graveknight Mordekaiser

These are all the highlights from these LoL Patch Notes. We will see you again in 2023 when all of these changes will be adjusted once more and we enter the ranked season once more!

Check out what Riot is changing for the LoL Ranked Season in 2023:

Lasse Lindner

Lasse is one of EarlyGame's leading experts on League of Legends, covering the game for this website as well as Riftfeed. Playing LoL since 2015, he covers everything from patch notes to esports news for both the English and German sites....