LIVE: All-Star 2020 Schedule and Results

Allstars BG
League's most popular players and content creators celebrate the end of an... unforgiveable year. (Image Credit: Riot Games)

The All-Star 2020 event is here! This three-day competition brings the most popular pro players and streamers around the world as we all celebrate League of Legends. This year’s event is held online, but the matches are no less contested for it.

The eighth international All-Star event is the last event of the year in the League of Legends calendar, bringing together pro players selected by fans, former legends and noted streamers and content creators. They will all participate in the three-day online spectacle that will feature different kinds of matches, pitting various regions against each other for fame, prizes and charity. With the downsizing of the Mid-Season Invitational this year, the All-Star 2020 will be the second-biggest international event after the World Championship.

The event will begin with an “Underdog Uprising” series on Friday, when joint teams from the smaller regions will take on the star-studded lineups of the four big regions: the LCK, LPL, LEC and LCS. Non-pros and former top players, or “Queue Kings and Legends” as League publisher Riot Games called them, will take the stage throughout the weekend in a series of 1v1 matches, while the regions’ All-Star teams will take the stage as well. Saturday is dedicated to the great Asian rivalry, pitting China’s LPL against South Korea’s LCK, while Sunday will focus on the old Western battle between Europe’s LEC and North America’s LCS.

You can watch All-Star 2020 on the following channels:


Day 3

The last day of All-Star 2020 saw the old Western rivalry between Europe and North America reach its peak. The LCS drew first blood in the Queue Kings game, avenging last year's defeat, but the Legends bout saw the European representatives strike back.

In the 1v1 finals, Gabriël "Bwipo" Rau and Eric "Licorice" Ritchie continued their domination of the local scene, not dropping a single game in their final victories to secure the 1v1 crowns.

In the final event, Bwipo and Jo "CoreJJ" Yong-in drew teams from both leagues. The Fnatic top laner picked several current and former teammates, such as Zdravets "Hylissang" Galabov and Mads "Broxah" Brock-Pedersen. This proved a winning move in all three games. The first bout was a nemesis draft that saw Team Bwipo be handed four supports and a Master Yi, while CoreJJ’s squad ended up with multiple ADCs but no junglers. The funnel strat of Team Bwipo proved a good one and on a carry jungle Oskar "Selfmade" Boderek had no problem showing why many see him as one of the best western players of 2020. The second game was a Nexus Blitz, where the Team Liquid jungler carried the game alongside his former teammates. The final bout was an aggressive fiesta with kills galore, but in the end, Selfmade and Hylissang carried their team to the win in the over 130-kill extravaganza.

Queue Kings

  • LEC 0:1 LCS


  • LCS 0:1 LEC


  • Team Bwipo 1:0 Team CoreJJ

  • Team CoreJJ 0:1 Team Bwipo

  • Team Bwipo 1:0 Team CoreJJ

Day 2

In the long-awaited clash between the LCK and LPL, the Korean side proved dominant. It started the day by winning a contested Queue Kings game between the content creator teams. The Chinese side equalized the score with a hard-fought victory for their Legends team, which overcame a big early game deficit with impressive mid-game teamfighting.

In the Red Bull 1v1 competition, Deft reverse swept BeryL to get the LCK Red Bull 1v1 crown. On the Chinese side of the tournament, however, things were a lot more one-sided as YuxiaoC once more stepped up to the plate and defeated Karsa in a 2:0 series, not even letting his famous opponent score a kill in a dominant performance.

However, when the current stars took the stage, the LCK would not be denied. It won the first game off an impressive mid-lane performance by Lee "Faker" Sang-hyeok on Nunu. The team then powered through a close second game played under Nexus Blitz rules, winning it with a climactic Nexus slugfest while the teams alongside. The third game showed another standout performance by Faker, this time on Irelia. The legendary mid laner styled on his counterpart Song "Rookie" Eui-jin, getting a 9/0/9 record before the 20-minute mark in a game where, despite a few overextensions, the Chinese team never got close.

Queue Kings

  • LCK 1:0 LPL


  • LPL 1:0 LCK


  • LCK 1:0 LPL

  • LPL 0:1 LCK

  • LCK 1:0 LPL

Day 1

The Underdog Uprising lived up to its name right from the start, as both Southeast Asia's PCS and Oceania's OPL managed to upset the massive favorites of the LCK in two games full of crazy plays. Even a stellar start in the second game, where they had 12 kills in the first seven minutes (five of which on Kim "Deft" Hyuk-kyu) were not enough as the match devolved into a brawl in the mid-game.

Surprises continued and despite a poor start, the LJL came back in their first game with the LPL with good teamwork and a great showing by jungler Kang "Blank" Sun-gu on Lee Sin, got an ace 26 minutes in and closed the game out soon afterwards. Not to be the odd man out, the VCS team started their game against their Chinese rivals aggressively, getting several early kills and eventually running away with the game. In the end, the underdogs won all four games in the East - though it's hard to say that either LCK or LPL was truly giving it their all.

The western half of the event started with a LEC vs TCL bloodbath. The European representatives started strong and while the Turkish team got some hits in the mid-game, eventually the favorites ramped it up and started hammering their opponents. The game featured two (failed) fountain dives and 89 kills before the blue minions ended the game for LEC. The European team met its match against the CIS region squad, however, as several...enthusiastic plays early on got Kirill "AHaHaCiK" Skvortsov’s Wukong far ahead and soon, the LCL squad took over. Fittingly, it was AHaHaCiK who dominated the winning fight and the team dove the fountain to help him secure a Pentakill before ending the game.

The match between the LCS and CBLOL saw both teams go for fun picks and the NA representatives swap roles across the board, yet even with that they had nearly full control of the game and ended the game in decisive fashion. The Latin American representatives put up far more of a fight, however, keeping a lead for much of the game. The NA team looked set to get back into the game, but an outplay 34 minutes in saw the LLA squad push in the enemy base and take the win.

  • PCS 1:0 LCK
  • LCK 0:1 OPL
  • LPL 0:1 LJL
  • VCS 1:0 LPL
  • LEC 1:0 TCL
  • LCL 1:0 LEC
  • LCS 1:0 CBLOL
  • LLA 1:0 LCS

In the 1v1 tournaments, Cho "BeryL" Geon-hee and Deft fought their way to the LCK final. On the Chinese side, however, we saw an upset as streamer YuxiaoC upset Bai "369" Jia-Hao to snatch one of the final spots and will face off against Hung "Karsa" Hao-Hsuan.


This was all from the All-Star 2020 event. I hope you enjoyed the last international tournament for the year and are ready to welcome the new LCS format for 2021! For more League of Legends news and analysis, follow us at EarlyGame!