LoL Clash Dates 2021

Clash is back and players can get together to play tournaments to try and win a few small prizes. Everything you need to know about upcoming tournaments is right here.

LoL Clash Dates 2021
Even casual gamers can compete here! | © Riot Games

Clash is the League of Legends tournament for everyone who doesn't have time for pro teams, but still wants to compete against each other. We'll explain when the clash tournaments take place and how you can participate.

Last weekend, the in-house Clash tournament of League of Legends took place once again and the winners of the individual groups could unlock cool skins, emotes and icons. However, since the losers do not leave the tournament empty-handed either, Clash is a very good opportunity for less active players to get essences and emotes.

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What is LoL Clash?

Clash is a competitive tournament in which 8 teams compete against each other in 3 rounds on Summoner's Rift. The teams consist of 5 players, who compete against other teams with players in their Elo. The tournament groups are divided into tiers 1-4 to avoid unfair encounters.

To participate in Clash, you must:

  • Be level 30.
  • Have completed all placement matches in Ranked for Summoners' Rift.
  • Your "League" account must have been verified by SMS (this new function only applies to Clash).
  • Buy a clash ticket: standard ticket 975 BE or 195 RP, premium ticket 975 RP.

As soon as you have done all of this, you can set up your own Clash team, or be invited to a Clash team. Based on the average rating, the teams are then assigned to a class, with class 1 being the highest and class 4 being the lowest.


How Long is a Clash Tournament?

A clash tournament always has at least 3 games. Regardless of whether you win or lose the first game, you will always be redirected to a lower or higher bracket. The only difference is the rewards, which are better in the "Winner Bracket" than in the "Losers Bracket".

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What Are the Clash Prizes?

Basic Ticket Orb

  • 8th Place 3 Win XP Boost, 1 Logo
  • 7th Place Mystery Icon, 1 Logo
  • 6th Place Mystery Icon, 1 Logo
  • 5th Place 640 Ward Skin, Mystery Icon, 1 Logo
  • 4th Place 640 Ward Skin, Mystery Icon, Mystery Emote, 1 Logo
  • 3rd Place 640 Ward Skin, Mystery Icon, Mystery Emote,1 Basic Ticket, 1 Logo
  • 2nd Place 640 Ward Skin, Mystery Icon, Mystery Emote, 975 Skin Shard,1 Basic Ticket, 1 Logo
  • 1st Place 640 Ward Skin, Mystery Emote, 975 Skin Shard, 1350 Skin Shard, 1 Chibi Icon, 1 Basic Ticket, 1 Logo

Premium Ticket Capsule

  • 8th Place 1 Basic Ticket, 500 OE, 750 Skin Shard, 1 Logo
  • 7th Place 1 Basic Ticket, 500 OE, 750 Skin Shard, 975 Skin Shard, 1 Logo
  • 6th Place 1 Basic Ticket, 500 OE, 750 Skin Shard, 975 Skin Shard, 1 Logo
  • 5th Place 1 Basic Ticket, 500 OE, 750 Skin Shard, 975 Skin Shard, 1350 Skin Shard, 1 Logo
  • 4th Place 1 Basic Ticket, 750 OE, 750 Skin Shard, 975 Skin Shard, 1350 Skin Shard, 1 Logo
  • 3rd Place 1 Basic Ticket, 750 OE, 750 Skin Shard, 975 Skin Shard, 1350 Skin Shard, 1820 Skin Shard, 1 Logo
  • 2nd Place 1 Basic Ticket, 750 OE, 750 Skin Shard, 975 Skin Shard, 1350 Skin Shard, 1820 Skin Shard, 1 Logo
  • 1st Place 1 Basic Ticket, 750 OE, 750 Skin Shard, 975 Skin Shard, 1350 Skin Shard, 1820 Skin Shard,1 Chibi Icon, 1 Gemstone, 1350 Skin, 1 Logo
Clash Zed
Let's go and play some Clash! | © Riot Games

When Does Clash Take Place?

Riot Games plans to host the clash tournament on a monthly basis. In the League of Legends client, you will be reminded of the exact dates! The next Clash tournament will be the Ixtal Clash tournament.

Team formation starts on November 15, 2021 and the tournament will begin November 20 and 21, 2021. Team formation for the second weekend will open on November 29 and the tournament will take place on December 4 and 5, 2021.

It is important to note that Ixtal Clash is not part of the regular clash season. Your Clash VP track won't be affected by the results.

If you still have questions about Clash, Riot Games offers you an extensive FAQ!


What is Sudden Death in Clash?

Most players might not know this, but Clash actually has a sudden death mechanic. This was implemented to stop games from going too long. So if your clash game takes over 60 minutes, towers will become easier to destroy, while at 65, minutes they even damage themselves. What exactly does this mean for your Clash game, though? Well, it means, that by the 70th minute the game is over because once the towers have damaged themselves, this mechanic moves onto the Inhibitors and finally, the Nexus.

Just watch as this happened to reddit user u/heids_25 in their clash game. Feelsbadman. This begs the question: Do we need this sudden death rule in League of Legends Clash?

Original article by EarlyGame's Steve Moebius.

Sabrina Ahn

Sabrina Ahn is the League of Legends and Riftfeed Lead. During her time at Concordia University in 2014 she fell in love with LoL and is playing it since – how she hasn't lost her sanity is still unclear....