We take a look at this week's free champion rotation in League of Legends. Is your main lol champ free to play?

The constant changes in League of Legends make the game quite confusing at times. The addition of champions each year makes the overview of 160 champs almost impossible. Thankfully, Riot introduced the weekly champion rotation, which allows players to test out the champions for free.
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Riot Games loans out around 10% of playable champions for free each week. This keeps League of Legends interesting and gives players the opportunity to experiment. Once you hit level 11, you gain access to the free champion rotation. The free champion rotation switches up every single Tuesday, so be prepared to try some new stuff on Summoner's Rift weekly.
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You want to know with whom you win every game this patch? Then take a look here!
Remember: You can only pick those champions in Normal Blind Pick or Draft Pick. If you want to take them to Ranked, you need to purchase them first!
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LoL Free Champion Rotation: These Champions Are Free To Play Until July 02

These champions are free to play until the new rotation arrives on Tuesday, July 02:
Position | Champion |
Top Lane |
Jungle |
Mid Lane |
Bot Lane |
Support |
Note: Champions with multiple viable positions are sorted by most played position in recent patches.
Once again, Riot is letting you try out some simple and easy-to-learn champions and also some exciting but mechanically demanding champions. Feel free to play all of them!
LoL Free Champion Rotation: You Should Try Out These Champions!

If you want a stable top lane, you should definitely try Ornn. He is a pure tank and can upgrade his teammates' items at a certain level. He is solid both in the early and late game. But the best part is his ultimate. With it, you can knock up enemies and set up the perfect team fight.
In the jungle, we recommend Bel'Veth. In the early game, she may seem quite weak, but in the late game, she becomes almost unstoppable. Her ultimate makes her even stronger, and once she kills a monster, she gets a small army. And we all know, the more teammates, the better!
Our mid lane pick has got you covered. Veigar is a small but very powerful Yordle who shines in the mid and late game. Once he has gathered enough stacks with his Q, he can one-shot any champion, whether tank or enchanter, with his ultimate. Additionally, he has a stun cage that allows for the perfect combo. Sounds good, right?
Further down the map, our recommended bot lane pick is Jinx. At first, she may seem quite weak, but once you buy an item, her true strength emerges. Her two weapons allow her to deal both area damage and single-target damage. Thanks to her passive, she turns into a machine gun, becoming incredibly fast after participating in a kill. However, her true power lies in her ultimate ability. Her giant rocket can fly across the entire map, dealing significant damage.
Last but not least, the support position will also feature some free champions. Taric is the recommendation this week. He is one of the most supportive tank supports in League and shines throughout the entire game (literally, thanks to his appearance). Not only can he tank an incredible amount of damage, but he also has a shield, a stun, and a heal – everything a support needs. The best part is that these benefits don't just apply to him; his ADC gets them too.
So, that's it, guys. Try out a few of these unique champions from this champion rotation, and maybe you'll find your new main? Who knows. We'll be back next week to see who you can try in the next free champion rotation!
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