LoL Patch 11.14 is coming out next week. We’ve already seen the new Sentinel skins, and we know that a new game mode is going to be introduced as well, but what else are we getting in the coming patch?
We take a look at all the upcoming champion and item changes that will hit League of Legends next week. Some champions lost a lot of their jumbo due to the system changes and the mobility update, hence, why we’re seeing a lot of updates due to those Patch 11.13 changes.
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Which Champions are Getting Buffed in LoL Patch 11.14?
A total of 8 champions are currently on the buff list. Most of these were affected by the mobility changes from LoL Patch 11.13 and need a little help to make their way back into the meta… but if you ask me, Darius and Rek’Sai can stay out of the meta.
- Darius - His Bonus AD from his passive will be increased in LoL Patch 11.14 and his E cooldown is lowered. Let's see how the big man now stacks up after the mobility changes.
- Garen - Garen is also an immobile top laner suffering, hence why Riot has decided that in Patch 11.14 his Q is going to scale from 30% movement speed to 45%.
- Ivern - The big man in the jungle is one of the least played champions. But will the increase to his E shield really be that impactful?
- Illaoi - And back to the main program about immobile top lane champions. Illaoi will have 10 more movement speed in Patch 11.14! 10! That's too much, Riot. Illaoi is Giga broken.
- Rek’Sai - Her Q damage is getting an increase on all fronts. She is going to be tunneling her way towards destruction in Patch 11.14.
- Seraphine - To make Seraphine a little better in the mid lane, Riot has decided to buff her Q so that it does more damage. She'll most likely stay as a support staple, though.
- Taric - Q and E mana cost are down in Patch 11.14. Doesn't mean his kit is any less outdated, though.
- Graves - Graves simply got 2 extra AD. More AD = more damage = more kills = win. Am I right?
11.14 Full Preview is here!
— Jeevun Sidhu (@JeevunSidhu) June 29, 2021
Which Champions are Getting Nerfed in LoL Patch 11.14?
Seven champions are going to be nerfed. Karma grew in priority, especially after the Moonstone buffs from Patch 11.13, so she is going to have to be stopped. And well, Ziggs was just buffed in Patch 11.12, but Riot is also going to be dialing that back in Patch 11.14.
- Ziggs - Ziggs' mana will be lowered from 480 to 420 in Patch 11.14. We could insert some sort of 420 joke, but we're a classy news site, so we chose not to.
- Karma - As if Karma isn't primarily used as a shield bot, Riot has decided to cut down on her AD. Guess mid lane Karma wasn't meant for a comeback in Patch 11.14...
- Akali - Akali won't be able to cast her Q during her E. Also, her ultimate damage is also lowered for LoL Patch 11.14. Is it me or is Akali either broken or unplayable?
- Malzahar - Malzahar will be a tad more squishy in LoL Patch 11.14 due to his health decrease. Oh, and the AP Ratio on his Q is also down.
- Nocturne (lane sustain) - His passive only works 50% on minions in Patch 11.14. Enjoy mid Nocturne while it lasts, guys.
- Shaco - Less HP, less movement speed. But guys, he still has his invisibility, so you're fine. The jungle clear in the early phases might be a bit trickier, but you're a trickster, so you've got this!
- Xin Zhao - Massive nerfs incoming. W cooldown has been increased. We repeat, these are some massive nerfs!
Which Champions are Getting Updated in LoL Patch 11.14?
Tahm Kench just got a mini rework in the latest patch, and now Riot is already out here balancing things out once more. He isn’t the only champions on the update list though, Irelia – who was on the buff list a few patches ago – is getting updated as well as Lillia and Dr. Mundo.
These are all the upcoming changes we know of so far. Tomorrow, we’ll be back with a more detailed report on what will actually happen on Summoner’s Rift, so check back soon!
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