Mid-Patch Tier List: Mid Lane

With quite a few changes hitting the rift in LoL Patch 12.02, we take a look at the best mid laners in the meta.

Mid Lane Tier List 12.02
Vex continues to be quite vexing in the mid lane. | © Riot Games

Season 12 is off to a big start. The chemtech drake was removed after much backlash of the community, but does this mean that the mid lane also saw a big change in meta? Let's explore!

Check out our other Mid-Patch Tier Lists:

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Who Are Our S-Tier Mid Laners in LoL Patch 12.02?

These champions are the crème de la crème of solo queue League of Legends at the moment. These picks will ensure you victory in your game and your opponents won't know how to counter them. Our S-Tier picks of LoL Patch 12.02 are:

ChampionsWin RatePick Rate




Sure, Talon was nerfed this patch, but it didn't even tickle him in the mid lane. He continues to be one of the most influential mid lane picks on the Rift thanks to his mobility and high damage output.


Who Are Our A-Tier Mid Laners in LoL Patch 12.02?

The A-Tier is filled with champions you should pick when the S-Tier are either taken or banned. These are still solid picks in the meta witch which you can win any game with ease. These are our A-Tier Mid Laners in LoL Patch 12.02:

ChampionsWin RatePick Rate



Anivia is another mage that has benefitted from the new mythic. She is insanely strong right now. If only Riot would give her a visual update and then everything would be right in the world.

  • Do you want to counter any of these picks? Try playing Sett or even Sylas in the mid lane!


Who Are Our F-Tier Mid Laners in LoL Patch 12.02?

The F-Tier is the lowest tier in the current meta. Avoid these champions at all costs. They won't get you far. So, we ask you this: Did you even want a Victorious skin at the end of the season? Well, if you don't care, then play these champions:

ChampionsWin RatePick Rate









Seeing both Annie and Lux down in the F-tier is quite sad, but we know that Riot will likely buff them in the future. These are two of the most iconic champions in League of Legends, so Riot won't leave them hanging!

We hope you have a good start to season 12 and that your placements have put you as close as possible to the rank you wish to reach in 2022.

Sabrina Ahn

Sabrina Ahn is the League of Legends and Riftfeed Lead. During her time at Concordia University in 2014 she fell in love with LoL and is playing it since – how she hasn't lost her sanity is still unclear....