LoL: Riot Has Adjusted Every Low Pick Rate Champion – Except One

The League of Legends balance team has been working through the list of low pick rate champions and adjusting them throughout the season. Well... all but one.

Corgi Corki
LoL: One champion isn't getting love from Riot. | © Riot Games

Some champions are more popular than others. That really isn't anything new in the world of League of Legends or any game with multiple characters. Either some are just more fun to play, newer or fit into the current meta better, but the devs of League try to balance these things out with consistent patches.

Recently a Reddit user noticed that most 'low play rate' champions in League of Legends have received some form of update throughout Season 13, but one champion has been completely left by the wayside.


LoL: One Champion Has Not Received Any Changes In Season 13

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The lowest play rate list is filled with some pretty bland or too unique picks. Ivern, Rek'Sai, Galio, Kog'Maw... all of these champions are some of the least played in League of Legends. The top dog of least played though? Skarner and Corki.

Now, throughout the 2023 League of Legends season, multiple champions on the lower end of the popularity spectrum got some adjustments. Annie received some changes early on in the season which catapulted her into OP status, while Kog'Maw received his first ever change to his passive earlier this year.

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On the other hand, Corki and Skarner received a whopping 0 changes. Of course, for Skarner, there isn't much Riot can do until his VGU goes live early in 2024, so it makes sense that he's been left mostly alone throughout the 2023 League of Legends season.


The champion that seems to have been completely forgotten and ignored though is Corki. No ASU, CGU or VGU in sight for him and not even a mid-scope update to help him feel like a fun champion.

Unfortunately, it seems like Riot is still unsure of what to do with Corki, since buffing him even a little will mean he is going to be a key meta pro play pick. Maybe in the coming patches Riot will attempt to make some adjustments, but for now it doesn't look like the Yordle is even on the balance teams radar.

Sabrina Ahn

Sabrina Ahn is the League of Legends and Riftfeed Lead. During her time at Concordia University in 2014 she fell in love with LoL and is playing it since – how she hasn't lost her sanity is still unclear....