MSI 2021 Location Leaked

A beautiful skyline of the potential host city of MSI 2021 (Credit:

It seems that a bit of normalcy is returning to the world. After having to cancel the Mid-Season Invitational in 2020 due to the COVID-19 Pandemic, Riot Games seems to be making plans for fans to enjoy this event in 2021.

So, buckle up and prepare yourselves for some groundbreaking LAN action coming your way. At least we hope so. But why are we predicting this event to happen live, in person? Well, LoL Esports Media posted a photo which was to tease the location and event and well… it teased a bit too much.

The – now-deleted – photo shows a beautiful snowy landscape with a small town below. What sticks out though is a church on the right-hand side and for those who have been to Iceland, this scenery is uncanny. The church only gives it away.

Reddit and Twitter users shared their thoughts and some Icelandic fans even explained that the country lets people gather in small groups of 50. If fans will be allowed into the venue though is yet to be decided and fans will have to stay patient.

In comparison to other previous host cities of esports events like Berlin, Shanghai, or Los Angeles, Reykjavik is a rather small and intimate city with a population of just over 122,000. The smaller population size could also be a reason why there are fewer cases, and it is safer to conduct the event there. It’s also a nice change of pace of the usual European cities and countries chosen for the big international events.

MSI2019 G2
Perkz or Caps? Will these two make it to MSI on opposite teams? (Credit: LoL Esports)

Fans seem pretty excited for the event to return even if there won’t be an audience in the studio. Getting the chance to see the best teams halfway through the year to compete is always fun and a great measure of where each region stands.

Riot Games hasn’t made any official announcements yet, but fans continue to stay hopeful for an offline event this MSI.

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Sabrina Ahn

Sabrina Ahn is the League of Legends and Riftfeed Lead. During her time at Concordia University in 2014 she fell in love with LoL and is playing it since – how she hasn't lost her sanity is still unclear....