What You Need To Know About MSI 2022 Watch Drops & Rewards

The 2022 Mid-Season Invitational has kicked off, but what we want to know is whether we're going to be getting watch drops for the tournament.

MSI 2022
What will the Capsules include? | © Riot Games

Watch rewards seem to be a part of every international League of Legends tournament. The 2022 Mid-Season Invitational shouldn't be any different, with Riot preparing some esports capsules for viewers to enjoy.

During the 2021 World Championship, we were rewarded with multiple emotes and icons and Riot staff have announced that in 2022, they want to 'buff' viewing capsules as well. So, what can you receive?


What Are MSI 2022 Watch Rewards?

Just as during the 2021 World Championship, players will be able to receive esports capsules merely by watching the international League of Legends competition. Earning these esports capsules is extremely easy and anyone who has a Riot account can do so.

How To Earn MSI 2022 Watch Rewards

To start earning MSI drops, you'll have to go onto the official lolesports website and log into your Riot account. Once you've done that, you can simply click on the running tab of the current MSI game to watch.

In the lolesports client, you're also able to choose which streaming service you want to watch the action on. You can also choose the language as well, if you prefer not to watch it in English. So, you've got the same amount of variety as though when watching on the website of your choice.

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What Drops Are Available For MSI 2022?

For esports drops, players will usually get capsules that have various icons and emotes inside them. Quite a few have already been shown on Twitter. Though TyraMaySue on Twitter did explain that many of the icons and emotes will be given out throughout the year and not solely in esports capsules for MSI.

We do create some content well ahead of time and then we release it during all year-long events. Some emotes or icons you're seeing now might be released for MSI and some later in the year.


For MSI, capsules will include content focusing on these specific champions:

  • Rell
  • Morgana
  • Taliyah
  • Viego
  • LeBlanc
  • Rengar

So, if you have been wanting a new Rell icon, then this could be your chance to get it for free just by watching MSI, which you'll probably already be doing anyway.


What Does Riot Mean By 'Buffing' Esports Capsules?

According to TyraMaySue on Twitter, Riot will be adding more substance to esports capsules and creating more content for it. For example, adding in ward skins and other unique skins could be included.

These changes will be explained in more detail after MSI though and ahead of the 2022 Summer Split and the 2022 World Championship. But get ready for more and better drops!

Sabrina Ahn

Sabrina Ahn is the League of Legends and Riftfeed Lead. During her time at Concordia University in 2014 she fell in love with LoL and is playing it since – how she hasn't lost her sanity is still unclear....