LoL: Missing In Action - Players Wondering What Happened To Skarner VGU

Skarner is supposed to be getting all the attention he deserves, but it seems even his VGU has been forgotten. Now some players question if there is anything new out there regarding the scorpion.

Skarner 0
LoL Skarner VGU: Fans want to know if there is an update! | © Riot Games

Last year, League of Legends players got the chance to vote for a champion that they believe deserves to receive a Visual and Gameplay Update (VGU). The clear winner of the vote was none other than Skarner, who has now been patiently waiting over a year and a half for his update.

Unfortunately, a few months ago Riot revealed that his VGU has been delayed, but did give fans some cookie crumble information of the direction that the champ is heading in. Since then? Radio silence.

LoL: Fans Want New Info On Skarner's VGU

Any News Skarner? by u/Unknown_Warrior43 in leagueoflegends

On Reddit one fan finally plucked up the courage to ask about Skarner and whether Riot is finally going to be giving fans some new information on the VGU or whether we will just have to accept that it'll be released... someday.

Skarner has never been the most popular champion, with him consistently being one of the least played champions, due to his one-dimensional mechanics, as well as the spires which players have to consistently play around.

All of these are things that will be fixed, that much is known, but when it comes to actual information, there isn't much else out there. Riot have stated before that he should be released in the first half of 2024, but then again originally most thought he would be coming in 2023...

Cosmic Stinger Skarner
I wish the Skarner VGU would release soon. | © Riot Games

Some players have lost so much hope in the Skarner VGU that they believe it's a Mandela Effect, meaning that they believe, wholeheartedly, that it happened, when in reality it was just a figment of their imagination.

Another Reddit also added that "Skarner is getting the same attention he always has – which is to say ignored and forgotten" which sums up the feelings of most players regarding this VGU.

In the latest dev update we got little news on upcoming champions, but with Briar just around the corner, we do hope that Riot will be revealing more information very soon on the Skarner VGU and other upcoming champions.

Sabrina Ahn

Sabrina Ahn is the League of Legends and Riftfeed Lead. During her time at Concordia University in 2014 she fell in love with LoL and is playing it since – how she hasn't lost her sanity is still unclear....