T1 And Faker Suing Fans Over Hateful Comments

T1 and Faker have launched a lawsuit against toxic fans. The lawsuit was filed by their lawyers on July 19th, and is going to be the first step toward a more healthy and respectful esports culture.

Faker stays with T1
Faker and his lawyers are suing toxic fans for their hateful comments. | © LCK & @faker

Toxicity is a large problem in video games and especially in esports. Professional athletes are known to get hated on a lot, and esports athletes are no exception. Now, T1 and their star player Lee 'Faker' Sang-hyeok are taking the first step in combating this problem. Today, their lawyers filed a lawsuit, suing all the toxic fans. This is supposed to be a first step toward a more respectful and healthier esports community.

Why Is T1 Filing This Lawsuit?

T1, formerly SKT T1, is the most successful League of Legends esports organization, and at the helm of their success is the G.O.A.T. Faker. Every successful organization receives some amount of hate, but this reached its breaking point in 2020, when T1 benched their all star player, for the then rookie Lee 'Clozer' Ju-hyeon. Since then, the hate hasn't stopped but gotten worse, so now the team and Faker are taking action.

Now the team and Faker have filled a lawsuit against all the John Does that have harassed the player of the organization. They also stated that these weren't going to be one of measures. This lawsuit will hopefully protect it's the players and organization from more harassment in the future. This is what T1 said in their official statement:

“We at T1 are determined to protect everyone of our affiliated members from unjustified attacks. Freedom of expression should never defame nor violate others’ rights. T1 will continue to do our best to protect our players and create a healthy esports culture.

Faker and T1 hope to shift the stance on verbal harassment in esports culture. Right now, this behavior has been normalized, and this lawsuit is the first step in changing that. This will make people be more aware of their words on the internet, and teach some a form of accountability. What do you think of this lawsuit? Hopefully, Worlds 2022 is going to be more respectful.

Oskar Jaume
Oskar Jaume