LoL: The Reason Behind China's Unique Chroma Splash Arts Unveiled

A few days ago, new chroma splash arts of different champions were revealed for the Chinese LoL servers. These high resolution pictures were getting many positive reactions from communities all over the world. Now the reason for their unique design were revealed. And some players could be disappointed.

LoL: The Unique chromas for the Chinese server |©Riot Games (Montage)

In League of Legends, splash arts for skins and their chromas are sometimes the best about the skin, since it's hard to see all the magnificent details in a match, where abilities are flying left, right and center. A few days ago, splash arts for unique chromas on the Chinese server gathered a huge amount of attention and received a lot of positive feedback.

Now, the reasons behind the unusual designs and why they're only available in China were revealed.


LoL: Chromas Can't Be Purchases Directly In China

Chromas in League of Legends are basically skins for skins, this means that for some skins there are several other versions purchasable. So if you like the idea or design behind a skin, but you can't live with certain aspects of it, for example the color, you are able to get other designs for this skin.

Well, the same happened for some skins on the Chinese servers, where several designs were revealed, that looked way different from everything we've seen before. Many players thought at first, that these were AI generated – or photo realistic pictures of League of Legends champions. But no, they were unique splash arts for chromas.

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And to answer a long-standing question right away – NO, they won't be available on western servers, or on any other server beside the Chinese one. The reasons behind this was now revealed in a video by League of Legends News YouTuber "Rival".

According to Rival he found the answer on Reddit and quotes a user with the name "DiligentDeer6244", who wrote:

"In China, the regular Chromas they are doing these for, are not available for purchase directly. They're in gacha. Likely the same for the event chromas like these. So China makes these new splashes to incentivize buying gacha for them."

So, if gacha would be more popular in western communities we might get some cool chromas and splash arts as well. Or to say it in Rival's words,

"I actually kind of like this system from Riot China, I kind of wish they had it in the western servers, so we could spend our blue Essence on it or something like that, because I have like hundreds of thousands"


I want this on the western servers as well |©Riot Games

It's interesting to see, how the different Regions in League of Legends have these specialities. Though we really wish there were some similar things for skins, chromas and splash arts on our servers as well. But maybe without the whole gacha thing behind it...

For more LoL related content, read:

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Henning Paul
Henning Paul