We take a look at the new champion on Summoner's Rift – Zeri! What items to build and how to play her?

2022 is starting off with a bang. The newest champion, Zeri, was just announced and players have been able to test her out on the PBE server. She is an electric and fast-paced champion who resembles the newest VALORANT agent Neon.
So, with a new champion, we have to tell you guys all about them, right? Right. She is an exciting new bot lane champion who plays like no one you’ve seen before. So let’s just jump into it!
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Runes and Item Builds for Zeri
Zeri Runes
For her Runes, we suggest picking Press the Attack. Her Q applies on-hit effects, and it counts as if you were to basic attack as well. This way, she will be dealing a lot of damage to chunk down opponents.
By adding Legend: Alacrity, you also gain continuous attack speed. This is also great for Zeri, since she caps out at 1.50, but any extra attack speed will be turned into attack damage. Therefore, she will be able to hit harder in the late game, even if you scale attack speed.
Zeri is also extremely squishy, which is why we think having some defensive runes like Boneplating will be quite useful to keep her healthy when she is laning. Also, Zeri will synergize perfectly with enchanters, which is why Shieldbash is also a great rune to pick in the secondary path.
Zeri Items
There are many ways to play and build Zeri. You can go full AD or a mixed build. We think that the full AD combo is the best on her from what we’ve seen being played on PBE servers. Therefore, go for Kraken Slayer – or if you’re unsure, you can also build Immortal Shieldbow – and take down enemies with style.
You can build the usual ADC items after that. The Collector for damage and the execute – not to mention the extra gold. IE and Phantom Dancer and finally finish it all off with Guardian Angel to give yourself a second life in the late game.

Zeri Gameplay – How To Play Zeri
Zeri is the newest ADC and Riot has decided to shake up the meta with her kit. She plays differently from any other ADC. Instead of auto-attacking, you use your Q as an auto-attack. It does not take up any of her mana.
When playing Zeri, you’ll want to constantly be moving to charge up and deal extra damage. So, be sure to keep clicking as she moves around while dealing damage with her Q. This way, she can stack up energy until she explodes, dealing massive damage.
Pair her with a shielding support like Lulu, Nami or even Rakan, and you will be able to dodge any skill shots coming your way with the added movement speed through her passive, therefor making her hard to outplay.
In the early phases, you’ll be focusing on farming. Zeri doesn’t have the greatest attack range, and she will need to get some items, so that she can safely play. If you lose her dash early on in a fight, it is best to retreat, since that is her only defensive tool other than her shield-steal passive.
Once you’re level 6, you really come online with Zeri. That’s when she starts to pick up speed, and you’ll be able to shred through opponents with your items as well.
Zeri Guide: Good and Bad Synergies
You’re going to want to pair Zeri up with an enchanter support that can shield her. She is going to gain speed thanks to the shield which will be crucial for her to continuously save energy. As we mentioned, Zeri shouldn’t stop moving.
So pick champions like Lulu or Karma to go with her. You can also try out Rakan since he will be able to shield her and knock up enemies which gives Zeri free rein to hit them with her Q.
Champions you won’t want to play Zeri into are Yasuo or Leona. Yasuo can easily close the distance between himself and Zeri and tear her to pieces since she is extremely squishy. Leona is also bad into her since she is able to gap close with a flash E and Q combo to stun her.
Hopefully you could take a few things out of this champion build guide for the newest League of Legends ADC – Zeri. Have fun with this difficult new champion that plays like no other before her!