Xbox Series Z Portable: An Xbox Switch?

Xbox series x controller
The Xbox Series X is finally out, but what will be next for Microsoft? (Credit: Microsoft)

The Xbox Series Z has been circling on TikTok and Instagram, with the realistic portable console exciting gamers around the globe. Could this be real? It is so realistic that we are not sure! The console, if real, would be the Xbox equivalent of the Nintendo Switch.

Here we are, sitting on our fabulous public transport, trying not to fall over on the bus, watching our TikTok and...bang! Something shows up in our feed – the so-called Xbox Series Z! We are blown away, not just by the reckless bus driver, but by the awesomeness of what we just witnessed.

Xbox series z ravioli meme
This isn't the Xbox Series Z shown in the video, but we found it funny so we posted it. Chill. Keep reading. (Credit: @FourScore64 via Twitter)

Look, nothing is confirmed, but look at this f**king thing!That's one realistic design, for sure. Look at the on-screen menu, the slick UI, and that curious thumb-screen. We know that it is probably not called a 'thumb-screen', but we think it should be. That's a funny name.

The TikTok video, though, was shared just... SO... many times. As of writing, the video has almost 18 million views, 2 million likes and 125,000 shares. WOWZA! Boy oh boy, we gotta start leaking s**t. We want those bloody shares... The user is none other than imaksahama, a very popular and skilled designer.

The thing is, though, that his designs are never official. He is unbelievably skilled at making very high quality and realistic models, which could easily be taken as a real product. All you need to do is look at the UI and you can tell why so many people were taken in by the design – with all the games and options, the thing looks super real!

The video begins with an opening of the gadget whilst playing games and comes as rumors circulate about Microsoft's Switch-like device that they could be working on. It is super impressive work, but definitely not real, sadly. This is simply just a really cool, and really well-done concept video. Maybe Microsoft can take some tips?

It would be pretty sweet if this was real, but... it's not. There's not really much else to it. We certainly recommend imaksahama's Instagram and TikTok accounts, where he shares concepts for tons of designs, like iPhones and even a Lamborghini Smartwatch's. Check out his iPhone design above! These are awesome, take a look. Seriously.

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Evan Williams

Australian gamer, musician, and journalist at EarlyGame. Currently living in Germany so no, I don't ride a Kangaroo to work. I am currently hard at work making our CoD and Rocket League pages the best on the internet. Lofty ambitions,...