LoL: The Best Neeko Skins

Here you'll find the most beautiful and popular Neeko skins.

Street Demons Neeko
Here you'll find Neeko's best skins. | © Riot Games

Neeko is a highly popular mid laner and belongs to the mage class. She hails from the deep, uncharted jungle of Kumugu, located in Ixtal. She is a Vastaya, much like Xayah and Rakan. Vastaya are known for their unique appearance, as they are a blend of animals and humans.

Neeko's appearance strongly resembles jungle animals, as she looks quite colorful and extraordinary. Given her jungle origins and typical appearance, it's rather ironic that Riot designed her for the mid lane.

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What makes Neeko special is her ability to shapeshift, allowing her to transform into any other champion and minion. However, sometimes she doesn't feel quite comfortable in a foreign body and, despite her love for transformation, would rather return to her own. And who could blame her, especially when a new skin makes her look even more stunning than usual?


These Are The Best Neeko Skins In League of Legends

Neeko has a total of 6 skins, which is still relatively few compared to other champions. However, each Neeko skin has something special and unique, but only 3 made it to the top list.

3. Winter Wonder Neeko

Winter Wonder Neeko
Who doesn't love this beautiful wintry skin? | © Riot Games

The Winter Wonder skin was the first skin released for Neeko. It captured the hearts of players shortly after its release and remains one of the most popular and beautiful Neeko skins to this day.

With its wintry blue color, the skin exudes harmony and gives players a cozy feeling. The crystals above her head unmistakably lend her a majestic look. Due to its wintry and unique nature, it's classified as an Epic skin and costs 1350 Riot Points.

2. Shan Hai Scrolls Neeko

Shan Hai Scrolls Neeko
This skin has something magical. | © Riot Games

The Shan Hai Scrolls Neeko skin was released in January 2021 to celebrate the Chinese New Year and is meant to symbolize luck and prosperity. With her white hair and unique aura, she feels light and fun to play.

Alongside Lillia's Shan Hai Scroll skin, it's one of the most popular in the series and also costs 1350 Riot Points.

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1. Prestige Star Guardian Neeko

Prestige Star Guardian Neeko
No Skin can compete with a Prestige skin! | © Riot Games

The Star Guardian skin comes in two forms, the regular and the prestige. While the regular form already looks good, it can't compete with a Prestige skin. As a member of the Star Guardians, she's on a big mission, battling alongside her team to rescue their lost teammate. Along the way, they encounter Zoe, a renegade Star Guardian, who has ensnared Xayah and Rakan with her dark influence.

Its story and unique appearance earn it the top spot. A fantastic bonus of the skin line is that there are already quite a few Star Guardian skins, so you can assemble a complete Star Guardian team with your friends.

The regular Star Guardian skin is available for 1350 Riot Points. However, for those seeking more glamour, the Prestige skin can be purchased for 200 Mythic Essences.


These are our favorites for Neeko. Which skin do you think is the best? Feel free to let us know in the comments!

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Freya Engel

Freya practically grew up with video games. She loves the community aspect of gaming and doesn't easily give up, even when a level seems impossible. Her favorite games include League of Legends, Animal Crossing, and The Sims 4....