"You are not Keria and your teammates are not T1." It's important to remember this when playing solo queue in League of Legends, especially after T1 played against FearX with a brand-new almost never before seen champion as a support.

During the recent LCK match, T1 faced off against none other than FearX. The T1 bot lane is well-known for some of their more unique picks, with support player Ryu "Keria" Min-seok able to pull out unconventional support champions from out of nowhere.
This time he decided on a brand-new unique bot lane pick that hasn't seen play in that exact role in exactly 3,943 days.
League of Legends: T1 Keria Picks New ADC Support In Official Match

Make sure to ban Ezreal in your next solo queue match. Often, after specific picks get played in pro, the masses will flock to solo queue to test out what they just saw. With T1's support Keria pulling out the support Ezreal against FearX on February 18, it is highly likely that others will try their luck with this pick as well.
The last time Ezreal support was played in a professional setting – and yes it has happened before – was back in 2013 when PoohManDu was SKT T1's support alongside Piglet in the bot lane. Now, 11-years later the pick made a resurgence with Keria choosing to pick it after having practiced it in scrims before.
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I have been practicing this Ezreal support for a couple of weeks and then I kind of forgot about it. And then today, when it was my turn to lock it in. Someone was saying, Ezreal, so I just unconsciously locked it in.
Back when PoohManDu picked Ezreal in the bot lane, the meta was vastly different, with many teams playing double jungle – Piglet was on Lee Sin back then – so this could also be the first true Ezreal support we've ever seen.
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While the early game for Ezreal support did not look its best, the team rallied around top laner Choi "Zeus" Woo-je who carried on his undefeated Aatrox. After the 2-0 win, Keria stated in the post game interview that he's able to play these type of unconventional picks thanks to his teammates, once again hammering home how important team play is for champs like this to work. So please, don't pick it in solo queue tonight.
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