Garfield: The Meowing Of Chris Pratt

Garfield is getting a brand-new movie adaptation, and none other than Chris Pratt will be voicing the iconic cat. The actor took some unconventional means to get into character, though.

Chris Pratt Meows
Chris Pratt is truly getting into character. | © NBC / Sony

Chris Pratt just keeps on voicing iconic animated characters. First it was Mario from Mario Bros., and now it's Garfield, the laziest and sleepiest cat known to man.

It seems that this time around, the actor has taken quite an interesting approach when it comes to preparing for his role. He's taken his role as a cat to the next level, basically becoming one of them, as Pratt shared in a new promotional video for the movie.

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Garfield is coming to theaters May 24 with a star-studded cast. Samuel L. Jackson, Chris Pratt and Cecily Strong will be lending their voices to some iconic characters from the comic series.

To truly get into his role, Chris Pratt has revealed that he turned himself into a cat for six months, worrying his friends, family and doctors. He also revealed that for six months he "only spoke in meows" even though Garfield is able to talk.

Garfield 2024
The Garfield movie is going to be released soon. | © Sony
I really just ate and napped, and the doctors were concerned. For six months, I only spoke in meows. It wasn't until later that found out that Garfield could talk.

Pratt hopes that the audience, as well as the Academy, will see just how deep his connection runs with the character of Garfield, as well as cats in general. Unfortunately, in the snippet Pratt doesn't meow for his fans, but we can all imagine what it would sound like anyway, right?

Sabrina Ahn

Sabrina Ahn is the League of Legends and Riftfeed Lead. During her time at Concordia University in 2014 she fell in love with LoL and is playing it since – how she hasn't lost her sanity is still unclear....