Post-nerf Demon Hunter: what now?

Post nerf demon hunter what to do
Kayn Sunfury is here to help (Image credit: Blizzard Entertainment)

Demon Hunter has been nothing but trouble since its launch, garnering not one, but multiple nerfs until Blizzard got it right. Afraid that all these changes will affect your decks and win rate? Worry not, we’ve got your back!

Problem: Demon Hunter gets nerfed all the time!

Solution: Adapt! Listed below are a few excellent Demon Hunter decks that will help you climb the ladder in no time.

Cobalt Stupid Demon Hunter

Let’s start strong with a really cool one. This, like almost every Demon Hunter build, is a Tempo, but with a twist. Instead of pushing the offense early on and hoping to stay on top, this particular style includes two copies of Burrowing Scorpid for maximum versatility. Two damage is good, but if you use it as removal and kill a Minion, you get a massive body almost guaranteed to deal additional 5 damage. 7,380 Dust might feel a bit steep, but play the cards right and you’ll have a fun time climbing the ranks.

In-game code: AAECAea5AwaloQPMugPDvAPHxgPaxgP8yAMM+a4DgbEDi7oD17sDxLwD4LwD1r4D2b4D2cYD98gD+cgD/sgDAA==


2x Battlefiend2x Twin Slice1x Blade Dance2x Chaos Strike2x Umberwing1x Eye Beam2x Satyr Overseer1x Altruis the Outcast1x Kayn Sunfury2x Glaivebound Adept1x Metamorphosis2x Warglaives of Azzinoth2x Skull of Gul'dan2x Blazing Battlemage2x Frozen Shadoweaver1x Vulpera Scoundrel2x Burrowing Scorpid2x Cobalt Spellkin

Control Tempo Killer

How about something completely different? Here’s an anti-tempo Demon Hunter for a change. Take advantage of the many aggressive decks dominating the meta right now and crush them. Once they are exhausted, you’ll have an easy path to their face and the Victory screen.In-game code: AAECAea5AwiHugPMugOJvAPDvAP3wwPaxgPVyAPZ0wMLpaED17sD2LsDnLwDxLwD4LwDx8YD2cYD/MgDvtID3dMDAA==


2x Twin Slice2x Blade Dance2x Chaos Strike2x Immolation Aura1x Spectral Sight1x Aldrachi Warblades2x Coordinated Strike2x Eye Beam2x Wrathscale Naga1x Altruis the Outcast2x Ashtongue Battlelord1x Kayn Sunfury1x Chaos Nova1x Command the Illidari1x Metamorphosis2x Warglaives of Azzinoth1x Wrathspike Brute2x Skull of Gul'dan2x Vulpera Scoundrel

Super Budget

We get it, you might not have 9,000 dust to spend on a new deck just because some cards got nerfed (though, as we saw earlier, it’s not too bad, because Twin Slice still sees tons of play). As we said at the beginning of this article - we’ve got your back! Here’s a deck that’s known to make it to Legend and only costs about 3,300 Dust to craft, and it’s more than likely that you own most of the cards already.In-game code: AAECAea5AwLMugPVyAMOlgb9pwP5rgOLugPXuwPgvAPWvgPXvgPevgPHxgPZxgP3yAP5yAP+yAMA


2x Battlefiend2x Twin Slice2x Chaos Strike1x Spectral Sight2x Umberwing2x Eye Beam2x Satyr Overseer1x Altruis the Outcast2x Glaivebound Adept2x Skull of Gul'dan2x Beaming Sidekick2x Blazing Battlemage2x Guardian Augmerchant2x Amani Berserker2x Bonechewer Brawler2x Frozen Shadoweaver

So, good luck hunting those demons and enjoy your end of season rewards!

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Nikola Petrov

Writer, game designer, and real-life bard who likes to talk about games. GAMES!...