How to Add Friends and Accept a Friend Request in Rocket League

rocket league add friends list
How do you add friends in Rocket League? | © Psyonix

How do you add friends in Rocket League? How do you send a friend request in Rocket League? Well, it's a bit complicated, especially after the game went free-to-play last year. How do you add friends in Rocket League using their Epic ID or Rocket ID, and how do accept friend requests in Rocket League?

This might all seem a little bizarre: why are you writing an article about how to add friends in Rocket League? I hear your question, I hear your question. I am asking and answering this question for one simple reason: people need to know, and many people don't know. Why? Well, it can be a tad confusing. Thus! Here is how to add friends and accept friend requests in Rocket League, using both your Epic ID and your Rocket ID. We will also take a look at how to accept a friend request in Rocket League.

Do you like our Rocket League fixes and guides? Do you like our tips and tricks? If you are struggling with more than just adding friends in Rocket League, then we've got you covered...


How to Add Friends in Rocket League with Epic ID

  • Open the Epic Games Launcher.
  • Click on Friends in the sidebar.
  • In the now-opened window, select the Add Friend icon.
  • Now input your friend's Epic Games ID or Display name in the field labeled Display Name or Email Address.
  • Select Send, and your friend request has been sent.

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How to Add Friends in Rocket League with Rocket ID

  • Run Rocket League, and wait until you reach the main menu.
  • Hit RT on your controller, accelerate on PC, or ZR on Switch.
  • This will bring up the Social Tab.
  • Select the second tab from the left, which looks like a ball. This should show your friends list.
  • Press X on controller, or select Add Friend by Rocket ID on PC.
  • Input your friend's Rocket League ID, and select search.
  • Your friend should show up in the search results if you input their ID correctly.
  • Select the friend you want to send a friend request to, and the request will automatically be sent.

Keep in mind: If you previously played Rocket League on Steam or Console, and are now transitioning to the Epic Games version of Rocket League, you will need to tell the games to transfer your friends across. To do this, go to options in Rocket League, click on Interface, and check the box 'Convert Platform Friends'.

How to Accept a Friend Request in Rocket League

  • Open Rocket League, and wait until you reach the main menu.
  • Select the social icon in the bottom-right corner of the screen.
  • Click on the Bell icon.
  • Select friend requests.
  • Select the friend request you want to accept, and it will automatically accept the friend request.

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Evan Williams

Australian gamer, musician, and journalist at EarlyGame. Currently living in Germany so no, I don't ride a Kangaroo to work. I am currently hard at work making our CoD and Rocket League pages the best on the internet. Lofty ambitions,...