MsDirtyBird Dropped by N7 After Lying About Brain Cancer

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MsDirtyBird lied about having brain cancer, and was dropped from N7 Gaming for it. | © N7 Esports

N7 Esports has dropped MsDirtyBird after she spent several months lying about having brain cancer. MsDirtyBird's shock brain cancer diagnosis drew initial support from the Rocket League community, before plunging into chaos after it turned out the whole thing had been a fabrication.

The thing about this situation is that it could all have been avoided if a single person had not made one of the most idiotic decisions ever reported from the Rocket League Community. We, like N7 Esports and surely any other Rocket League outlet or organization, were shocked to find out that MsDirtyBird had lied about her brain cancer. She has now been, unsurprisingly, removed from N7 Esports. Here are the details...

MsDirtyBird was dropped by N7 Esports, and it's all very dramatic. Luckily, not everything is dramatic in such a terrible way. Here's the latest Rocket League Esports news...


MsDirtyBird Dropped by N7 After Fake Brain Cancer Diagnosis

MsDirtyBird was banished from N7 Esports after it was exposed that she had been lying about a brain cancer diagnosis. In the shock-diagnosis that she announced via the Trihouse Treehouse Discord, MsDirtyBird made the claim that she had been told by doctors that she "might need a lung transplant and a few others too". Players like Sworn, who ended up outing her via TwitLonger, were quick to donate...

The TwitLonger was posted after MsDirtyBird allegedly accused Sworn of creating a Twitter account called "MsDirtyBirdShouldDie". Whilst it is uncertain who created this burner account, Sworn did debunk MsDirtyBird's brain and lung cancer claims. Honestly, the whole thing is so confusing that it's hard to explain. Seriously, read the TwitLonger for the full details. Regarding the cancer diagnosis, Sworn made the following claim on TwitLonger:

MsDirtyBird claimed in January of 2021 that she had brain cancer and lung cancer that was metastatic and that she was getting a lung transplant after having brain surgery. She then proceeded to deceive people in Trihouse's general chat in discord by posting fake updates on her visit into the hospital

To support these claims, Sworn presented two pieces of evidence. One was a Twitch Clip of MsDirtyBird's sister admitting that she probably fabricated the story. The second was a video clip in which MsDirtyBird admitted to having "lied about cancer and shit", wherein Sworn alleges that she shows no remorse. In response to all the drama, N7 Esports dropped MsDirtyBird and posted the following response on Twitter...

[embed id=25265]

After N7 Esport's removal of MsDirtyBird, outrage in the community, and a whole lot of bad press, the once-popular Rocket League content creator finally issued a video apology. In the video, MsDirtyBird admitted to the mistakes she had made, and announced a six-month to year-long hiatus from content creation. This break is purportedly to improve her mental health.

I don't want to be the type of content creator that is known for lying. I did not do it for the attention. I will be taking a step back and hopefully come back as a better person, better content creator.

No one knows whether MsDirtyBird will be able to survive this particular controversy, but we do have a few things to say. The first is that, obviously, no one should lie about something as egregious and severe as having a life-threatening condition, nor should they accept donations or money based on said lie. Let's just say: don't lie guys, it never ends well, and it's just not cool.

The second point, however, is that we do need to be careful about toxic internet culture. MsDirtyBird did something rather stupid, sure, and those of us (ourselves included) who might not want to continue to support her, or consume her content, should do so. The problem comes from if everyone now piles onto an individual who's clearly making the right decision by stepping down and seeking mental health help.

The Rocket League community is incredible, so let's keep it that way.

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Evan Williams

Australian gamer, musician, and journalist at EarlyGame. Currently living in Germany so no, I don't ride a Kangaroo to work. I am currently hard at work making our CoD and Rocket League pages the best on the internet. Lofty ambitions,...