RLCS 2021-22 NA Opens: NRG Vs FaZe & All Results

NRG and FaZe face off, FirstKiller strikes some killing blows, and RLCS 2021-22 starts off with a bang in the first North American Regionals of the season.

rlcs 2021-22 na opens faze clan
Faze Clan brought home the North American Regional Fall Split Opens. | © FaZe Clan via Twitter

RLCS 2021-22 began its North American Fall Split with a record-breaking set of games, culminating in a tense face off between Rocket League Esports giants FaZe and NRG. For the season's first major event, we couldn't have asked for more.

RLCS 2021-22 started off with a bit of a bang. The North American Fall Split began with the season's first regional, as well as some surprise wins and results. One particular team, though, impressed us more than it has in years...

All RLCS 2021-22 NA Regional Fall Split Opens Results




1FaZe Clan301
2The General NRG250

Spacestation Gaming

5True Neutral150
6Team Envy150

G2 Esports

9Ghost Gaming110
10Susquehanna Soniqs110
13Charlotte Phoenix70
14Shopify Rebellion70
15Integrity Esports40
16Team DVS40



In a surprise to all, FaZe Clan won its first ever RLCS Event, pushing NRG off the top of the leaderboard. The Grand Finals for the first North American Fall Regional Qualifier for RLCS 2021-22 ended with The General NRG losing their spot at the top of the leaderboards, with FirstKiller striking several killing blows.

As a result of the North American Regional Qualifier's Grand Finals, FaZe clan now rules the RLCS 2021-22 leaderboards with 301 points, as opposed to NRG's 250 points. Spacestation Gaming came in third, along with Version1, whom both scored 200 points.

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In the FaZe Clan vs. NRG Grand Finals, FaZe Clan's win was all the more impressive for their 4-1 score. Despite their loss, GarrettG, Justin and Squishy did play very well, with Justin scoring a particularly impressive goal via a Merc Flip Reset. Who would have thought?

FaZe Clan had a particularly impressive lineup going into RLCS 2021-22, which clearly worked out for them. The team was AYYJAYY, Allushin and FirstKiller, the latter of whom came into the NA Fall Split after replacing Gyro. They were coached by Moopy.

Possibly the most impressive plays of the FaZe Vs. NRG Grand Finals came from FirstKiller, who landed a number of impressive goals throughout the competition, more or less securing FaZe's first RLCS event win.

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Evan Williams

Australian gamer, musician, and journalist at EarlyGame. Currently living in Germany so no, I don't ride a Kangaroo to work. I am currently hard at work making our CoD and Rocket League pages the best on the internet. Lofty ambitions,...