Rocket League Best & Worst Vol. 13: The Boys Are Back in Town

Rocket league best and worst plays vol 13
What's this? Thin Lizzy and Rocket League? How is this relevant? Spoiler: it isn't. | © Psyonix & Thin Lizzy via BrooklyVegan

Drum roll... hey, this time, it's a literal drum roll! It's time for Rocket League Best & Worst Volume 13! I'm in a bit of a musical mood this week, and as the name of Volume 13 suggests, that means we're in for a Banger (no, not a Reddit Banger, but check out Episode 10 for some of those!) of an Episode this week. It's time to get thrifty, it's time to your groove on, it's time to pick up your dad's old guitar, and learn to play the blues. That's right, it's time for Volume 13 of EarlyGame's Rocket League Best and Worst series – The Boys Are Back in Town!

It's not just the boys that are back in time, however. That's right: I'm back in town! Thank you to Faris Delalic for taking over these last two weeks, whilst I have been lazing around in the sun and drinking a lot of Spritz. It truly has been a blast, though I was a tad distressed at the sight of Episode 11: Australia Edition – I ain't gonna throw a prawn (sorry, Shrimp for our American readers) on the Barbie over that one! Despite my absence, and despite the weeks of cheese, alcohol and pasta I have enjoyed, it is time to persist with this series. Thus, what better way to celebrate my return but with music. It's time for EarlyGame's Rocket League Best and Worst Series Volume 13: The Boys Are Back in Town...

If you're awesome, and enjoy this episode, you should check out the previous five episodes of our Rocket League Best & Worst series. Enjoy!

Rocket League Best & Worst Vol. 13: The One That Makes Me Say "LoL"

"LoL"... Just joking, I'm going to say more than just that. Actually, don't you hate it when people literally say "LoL" instead of laughing? It really gives me the poops! Anyway, apologies, this is a tad off topic – but hey, it's time for EarlyGame's Rocket League Best & Worst Episode 13, this is the series' bread and butter. If I wanted to sound like a '90s baby, I would say "This one's pretty rad, bro..."! Yes, you're right, I would be pretty lame, but I would also be pretty correct. At the risk of saying "pretty" too much, this one's pretty hilarious, and we're (Mc)Lovin' it. If you didn't get that not-so-subtle joke, then you've probably been reading the last two weeks of Rocket League Best & Worst – again, my apologies – but seriously, the musical theme here is just fabulous, and will certainly bring the gig to giggles.

Rocket League Best & Worst Vol. 13: The One That Makes Us Nostalgic

That's right, it's the Rocket League theme, and it's featured second in this week's Rocket League Best & Worst Volume 13! Nostalgia is also the right word to use: come on, guys, as if this sweet tune doesn't bring back some solidly good memories. We all love Rocket League, we all love playing Rocket League, and this theme reminds us of the many years we have spent enjoying this fabulous game. This series, hell this channel, wouldn't exist without Rocket League. It is (indeed) perfection in a game. Kind of like EarlyGame's Rocket League Best & Worst Series – that's right, this series is perfection in a series. Screw Game of Thrones, screw Breaking Bad, screw Uncharted, step in Best & Worst...

Rocket League Best & Worst Vol. 13: The One That's Not Even Rocket League...

Hang on, this isn't even a Rocket League clip, play, or... anything. That's right, EarlyGame's Rocket League Best & Worst series is all about the random. I'm back, baby. I'm back.

Back in Rocket League Best & Worst Volume 10, I told you that I will see you in Volume 13. Well, here I am, and wasn't it just delicious? Salty, tasty, cheesy, round, and covered in bits and pieces? That's right, you know what I'm going to say next. Cheers for reading EarlyGame's Rocket League Best & Worst Volume 13: The Boys Are Back in Town! Now, yes, I know that you're waiting for it... Eat a pizza.

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Evan Williams

Australian gamer, musician, and journalist at EarlyGame. Currently living in Germany so no, I don't ride a Kangaroo to work. I am currently hard at work making our CoD and Rocket League pages the best on the internet. Lofty ambitions,...