Rocket League Rule 34: Yes, R34 Is Real And We Looked At It

There is a concerning trend in Rocket League, dubbed Rocket League Rule 34, which is certainly not safe for work. We'll explain to you what this means and also have some very NSFW videos to show.

Rocket league rule 34
Well, Rocket League rule 34 is making us kinda uncomfortable... | © Psyonix

This trend is a meme, or the meme is a trend, and what is clear is that with Rocket League Rule 34, our car-football obsession will never be the same again. I know, you're probably just as curious as we were, but let me tell you this: The following content could be disturbing to some of you. With that out of the way, let's take a look what this "r34" that's sometimes trending is all about!

NSFW Warning: This article includes cars that are having far too much fun.

Rocket League Rule 34 Explained

Basically, Rocket League Rule 34 is Rocket League porn, with a brief Googling of Rule 34 revealing that it's an Internet Maxim referring to the following fact, drawn right out of Urban Dictionary:

If it exists, there is porn of it. If there isn't, there will be.

This then begs the question, why are people searching for such an obscene thing? This is when we discovered this hilarious, if slightly disturbing video, amongst others...

Well, we certainly think that it's funny. It might leave us with little faith in humanity, but it also leaves us with tremendous faith in the memes. Who needs humans when we have the internet, after all? Well, humans control the internet, and we suppose that there are a lot of people with very bad senses of humour out there... This is especially evident when Rocket League Rule 34 is trending on Google. Jeez.

Well, maybe this could be one way to increase the number of total players in the Rocket League ranks? It would certainly make (somewhat forked up) sense! You could also say that it would be a good way to clear the soot from our collective exhaust pipes.

Oh my, oh my, this has been an unbelievably uncomfortable article to write and research. Rocket League Rule 34? We're all doomed. If you're at work (like me) and want to be safe from Rule 34, you can watch our Rocket League videos without having to look over your shoulder. Here you will only find helpful tips & tricks, no weird car action that shouldn't even exist...

Marco Kilian

Marco was a Content Writer at EarlyGame, covering all things FIFA and Rocket League....