What is the Spanish Kickoff in Rocket League?

Do you know what a Spanish Kickoff is in Rocket League? Well, it's one of the most toxic moves in the game...

rocket league spanish kickoff demo
Demo's play a key roll in the Spanish Kickoff. | © Psyonix

The Spanish Kickoff is arguably the most toxic move you can make in Rocket League. It involves some really serious deception, and being a little bit of a butthole. It's toxic as fork!

Before we show you how to do the Spanish Kickoff in Rocket League, we want to present you with one minor caveat: please don't do this. Seriously. It might be effective, it might work, and we might be presenting you with the information, but that doesn't mean you should be paying attention!

There, we've said it, now let's get on with things and describe the most toxic move in Rocket League...


The Spanish Kickoff is one of our three favorite kickoff strategies here at EarlyGame. It's brutal, terrifically irritating, and more toxic than pond scum. Thus, we're obviously going to take you through just how to achieve it. Before we do, though, we understand that many players are lazy and much-prefer to simply watch a video than read an article like this one. Well, it's jolly good that we have a video on just this, then, isn't it?

Check out our video on Kickoff Strategies in Rocket League below. The Spanish Kickoff is the third one featured in the video.

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How to Do the Spanish Kickoff in Rocket League

Following is a step-by-step guide to completing the Spanish Kickoff in Rocket League. Don't forget to follow these steps carefully, and practice the individual skills repeatedly in training mode before attempting this particular skill.

Deliberately Miss The Ball

First, you need to drive directly towards the ball, like you would with any normal kickoff. Now, at the last second, you need to deliberately miss the ball, passing narrowly by it at the last moment so that you trick your opponent into thinking that you're taking the kickoff.

Allow the Ball to Pass to Your Team Mate

In the exact same way that you would complete a Fake Kickoff in Rocket League, you now need your teammate to take the ball from your opponent. This requires some seriously good communication. In fact, we would recommend reading our Fake Kickoff communication guide to best inform yourself as to how this needs to work. All in all, the most important thing is that the opponent, thinking that you're going for the ball, actually accidentally passes it to your teammate.

Crash Into Your Other Opponent's Battle Car

While your teammate is picking up the ball, you need to smash into your other opponent, therefore eliminating the opposing team's goalie. So, one opponent has passed the ball to your teammate and the other has now been demoed, bumped, stopped in his or her tracks. This is what makes the Spanish Kickoff so toxic, as it stops the opposing team from defending.

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Your Teammate Scores a Goal

Now it's time for your teammate to take the lead. Since you have stopped your opponent in their tracks, and your other opponent has passed the ball to your teammate, it's time for them to cruise through and score that goal. The field should be pretty clear, so all your teammate needs to do is drive on over and kick that ball right into the goal. Yep, that's it. Pretty simple, isn't it? Yes, it is simple... but it's insanely toxic!

Evan Williams

Australian gamer, musician, and journalist at EarlyGame. Currently living in Germany so no, I don't ride a Kangaroo to work. I am currently hard at work making our CoD and Rocket League pages the best on the internet. Lofty ambitions,...