WoW Shadowlands Afterlives: Ardenweald Revealed

WoW Shadowlands
We get a look at the next faction in the Afterlives series (Image credit: Blizzard)

As the hype builds for the next World of Warcraft expansion: Shadowlands, Blizzard gives us more spoilers to feast upon. The Shadowlands Afterlives animated shorts reveal the story and lore behind the Shadowlands and the latest episode Ardenvale is now live.

World of Warcraft: Shadowlands releases October 27 and will be a breath of fresh air into WoW as BfA was rather stale and poorly received by most fans of the game. Afterlives has already had trailers for the Shadowlands factions:

  • Bastion
    Featured famous hero Uther as he takes revenge on a familiar infamous Warcraft villain. Vengeance is best served cold!
  • Maldraxxus
    According to the Necrolords, only the one who was a great warrior in life and won countless battles is allowed to join their ranks.

Blizzard has just released the next faction in the series, Ardenweald, and this time the druids get some Blizzard love as they are charged with caring for the souls of the Shadowlands.

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There should be at least one more Afterlives short about the Revendreth faction who are a group of vampires and might be the starting Villians of expansion. Once it's posted, we will have it ready for you to see!


Shadowlands' story looks so good and we can’t wait to choose our faction and play in this next expansion. EarlyGame will keep you up to date on all WoW news!

Paul Hayes

I did my BA in English Lit. and Language Studies at Western University in Canada and I use to play MTG competitively, but sadly to no success so I write instead! If a game doesn't challenge me, it's not the...