Battlefield 2042 | Best MP9 Loadout Attachments & Setup

Battlefield 2042 has finally launched. Now it's time to get into the details: what are the best weapons and what attachment setups do you want? Here's the best loadout for the MP9.

MP9 Loadout
The most comprehensive MP9 loadout guide available | © EA

The MP9 is basically a sidearm disguised as a primary weapon. It has fantastic handling and can do good work in close quarters but it just doesn't have the oomph that other SMGs have. But if you do like the play for the objective and you like getting into the heat of battle then this might be the weapon for you. Let's get to the setup guide.

To see how well the MP9 places against other weapons, just check out our complete tier rating of every weapon in Battlefield.


Best Battlefield 2042 MP9 Loadout

Best Attachments for the MP9

In the table beneath, we've provided the best conventional loadout for each weapon, but we've also provided short and long-ranged focused setups.

Best SetupBest Short-Range SetupBest Long-Range Setup
SightK8 Holo

K8 Holo

K8 Holo
AmmunitionClose Combat / DrumClose Combat / DrumStandard Issue / Extended Mag

LS-1 Laser Sight

LS-1 Laser SightLWG Grip
BarrelWarhawk CompensatorWrapped SuppressorWarhawk Compensator

The all-around setup for the MP9 is very similar to the short-range setup, because basically - the MP9 is the most limited by range and firepower weapon in the game. It really is in the shotgun territory, and there aren't many attachments that can change that essential character of the gun. The short-range and all-around setups above should make for tasty hip-fire action though, so it's not all bad news.

You can see the effects of these three attachment setups beneath.


Attachment Effects on the MP9

DefaultBest SetupBest Short-Range SetupBest Long-Range Setup


2424 (0)19 (-5)24 (0)
Accuracy3850 (+12)53 (+15)45 (+7)
Range3838 (0)38 (0)40 (+2)


6656 (-10)56 (-10)56 (-10)

The best we could do was get the range up by 2 on the long-range build, as we said above, the MP9 just isn't capable out past 25m. Instead, you'll need to get yourself deep into enemy territory and try and take CQC fights. This really is the only way to give yourself an advantage when using the MP9. Can you tell we don't love this weapon yet?

Best Specialist, Secondary Weapon, Throwable & Gadget for the MP9

Specialist: Webster Mackay

The Canadian is great for submachine gun users. He can get you into the fight quicker than anyone else with his unparalleled mobility, and once you're there he has passive buff to firing-move speed, which is ideal in CQC.


Secondary Weapon: M44

The MP9 is such a short-range weapon that we think it couples best with the M44. The M44 is a slow 6-round revolver, but it does have an impressive range for a sidearm, and could save your life if a sniper or marksman tries to engage from distance.

Throwable: EMP

With the MP9 you're pushing to be on the objectives, and that means you might come face to face with a few vehicles. Obviously, the MP9 is too weak to be of any use in that situation, but with the EMP you can disable a vehicle and by yourself precious time to escape.


Gadget: IBA Armor Plate

The kind of playstyle that an MP9 will force you into benefits most from Armor Plates. These are going to give you that little bit of extra health you need to stay standing and get off another magazine's worth of fire.

Well, there you have it, folks, the complete rundown of how to build the best attachment setup and loadout for the MP9.

Jon Ramuz

Jon has a BA and an MA in English Literature, and as Content Lead for EarlyGame has written over 1,500 articles. He focuses on shooters, but also writes about entertainment and gaming in general....