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Valorant Raze Agent Guide: Abilities, Strategies & More

Want to learn to play Raze like all those YouTubers with "this is how 10,000 hours of Raze looks like" videos? If so, we'll try to make the process a bit shorter for you with our guide.

January 31st 2023, 14:00 GMT+1
Valorant Breach Agent Guide: Abilities, Strategies & More

Breach is one of the hardest Agents to play, while also being one of the most annoying Agents to play against! That said, let's check out how his abilities work and how you can use them to your advantage.

January 24th 2023, 10:00 GMT+1
Valorant Skye Agent Guide: Abilities, Strategies & More

Skye is one of the most powerful and versatile characters in Valorant. Even though it's an Initiator Agent, you can use her for rushing and supporting your teammates in various ways, plus we consider her a great pick for any players that love to plan their game ahead.

December 19th 2022, 20:00 GMT+1
Raze And Killjoy Are Canon And We Love It!

We always thought Raze and Killjoy were just good friends. But now a romantic relationship between the two has been confirmed by the official Valorant Twitter. And we love it!

December 12th 2022, 20:00 GMT+1
Valorant Jett Agent Guide: Abilities, Strategies & More

Jett is one of the most iconic Agents in Valorant, and in this article, we are going to learn how to play here to win more games!

December 10th 2022, 16:40 GMT+1
Valorant Omen Agent Guide: Abilities, Strategies & More

If you are looking for a unique and exciting to play pick for the Controller class, then the Omen will surely be the best choice. Check out our in-depth guide for him!

November 20th 2022, 15:00 GMT+1
Valorant Brimstone Agent Guide: Abilities, Strategies & More

Brimstone is actually one of the best picks for a Controller Agent in the game, so learning how to play him can really help you with your climb!

November 16th 2022, 02:40 GMT+1
Valorant Chamber Agent Guide: Abilities, Strategies & More

Chamber has been one of the best Sentinel Agents in the meta since he joined the game, and it doesn't look like that will change. Therefore, let's get familiar with how his ability kit works and how we can use him in our ranked matches.

November 14th 2022, 22:30 GMT+1

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