Battlefield 2042 | Best SFAR-M GL Loadout Attachments & Setup

Battlefield 2042 has finally launched. Now it's time to get into the details: what are the best weapons and what attachment setups do you want? Here's the best loadout for the SFAR-M GL.

Best SFAR-M GL Loadout Attachments & Setup
The most comprehensive SFAR-M GL loadout guide available | © EA

The Scar is back baby! Although this time around they've given it the bizarre name of the SFAR because they've opted not to pay for any of the licenses from weapon manufacturers. Ah well. Anyhow - let's get into this setup guide!

To see how well SFAR-M GL places against other weapons, just check out our complete tier rating of every weapon in Battlefield.


Best Battlefield 2042 SFAR-M GL Loadout

Best Attachments for the SFAR-M GL

In the table beneath, we've provided the best conventional loadout for each weapon, but we've also provided short and long-ranged focused setups. We advise you to put the "best setup" attachments in the first slot for each weapon so that when you're switching between attachments in-game it's only one flick and not two or three to select the best all-around build. The short-range build is particularly good for pushing objectives, while the long-range build is designed for making journeys across open land.

Best SetupBest Short-Range SetupBest Long-Range Setup
SightMaul HybridK8 HoloM22 3.5X
AmmunitionHigh-Power / DrumStandard IssueHigh-Power / Drum
UnderbarrelFactory MountsFactory MountsFactory Mounts
BarrelTactical CompensatorWrapped SuppressorExtended Barrel

The SFAR (yes, we know it's cheap they don't pay for the license to call it by its actual name: the SCAR) is strange in BF2042. It's very slow but very hard-hitting, and by default, comes with a grenade launcher. But with so many grenade and gadget options, more explosive just seemed redundant. Instead, we've taken factory mounts across all three builds and focused on making the SFAR as good a rifle as we can.


Attachment Effects on the SFAR-M GL

DefaultBest SetupBest Short-Range SetupBest Long-Range Setup
Firepower6565 (0)55 (-10)65 (0)
Accuracy4850 (+2)43 (+5)53 (+5)
Range5255 (+3)47 (-5)61 (+9)
Handling3623 (-13)41 (+5)17 (-19)

The SFAR loses out massively on handling. You can see how our long-range build becomes similar to an LMG. But the DPS on this badboy, coupled with the 50 round mags, just makes it all so worth it. You just need to think of this weapon differently to how you would a normal AR, but if that sounds too slow for you then go with the short-range setup above and the SFAR should still do good work for you.

Best Specialist, Secondary Weapon, Throwable & Gadget for the SFAR-M GL

Specialist: Ji-Soo Paik

Ji-Soo Paik is a fantastic operator, and she's perfect for anyone using the SFAR-M, or really any assault rifle for that matter. She effectively provides wallhacks, and as you'd expect, this is perfect for anyone who wants to play aggressively.


Secondary Weapon: MP28

The MP28 is designed on the FLUX system of drop-in brace frames, and we love how sleek it looks in-game. It also has the most balanced stats and can be relied upon more than the other two sidearms if you run out of ammo.

Throwable: Frag

A lot of the grenades in BF2042 are a bit lacking, but at least with the frag you've got a fire and forget option that can occasionally net you kills.

Gadget: IBA Armor Plate

IBA Armor Plates are the best choice for people who want to take an AR or an SMG and play aggressively. They don't require much of your time to use, and they can just sit there passively buffing your Specialist.

Well, there you have it, folks, the complete rundown of how to build the best attachment setup and loadout for the SFAR-M GL.

Jon Ramuz

Jon has a BA and an MA in English Literature, and as Content Lead for EarlyGame has written over 1,500 articles. He focuses on shooters, but also writes about entertainment and gaming in general....