Battlefield 2042's Portal to Be in All Future Battlefield Games

Leaks suggest that Electronic Arts will be bringing Battlefield 2042's Portal Mode, the game's only highlight, to all future Battlefield titles.

battlefield 2042 portal mode
Will Portal be in all Battlefield games from now on? | © Electronic Arts

Leaks suggest that Battlefield 2042's Portal Mode will be integrated into all future Battlefield games. The move would be part of Battlefield 2042 as the new "foundation" of the Battlefield franchise, a move that is highly controversial considering the game's ill-reception. Portal is largely considered the game's best mode, and this news is thus highly significant to Battlefield fans.

Battlefield 2042's Portal Mode brings a creative spin on the franchise's tried-and-true formula, bringing a selection of old maps and modes from previous Battlefield games, as well as a function that allows you to build your own modes. This is a hugely creative feature, but unlike what Electronic Arts wants you to think, it's nothing particularly innovative. Halo's Forge mode, a mode that is insanely similar to Portal, was first introduced in the game's 2007 entry, Halo 3 (and Halo Infinite will be bringing out a Forge Mode at some point too).


DICE's latest Battlefield game has been plagued with criticism since it released in mid-November, after the game launched with a plethora of stability problems and design issues. It has been criticized quite widely for a lack of originality, as well as ill-conceived ideas that were poorly introduced to the game, such as the god-awful Hazard Zone Mode. The only component of Battlefield 2042 that has been reasonably received is Portal, and that is purely because it is basically just a collection of fantastic maps and modes from a collection of classic video games.

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Portal Will Come to All Future Battlefield Games

It now seems that Portal will be a recurring mode, returning in at least the next few Battlefield games, according to prolific leaker and dataminer Tom Henderson. Taking to his Twitter account to reply to an anxious fan, Henderson let Battlefield players know that Portal will be "integrated in the next couple of Battlefield games", at least if plans don't change. In fact, he even made an inference to Warzone, suggesting that integration between new games will look somewhat like the system Raven Software has going for it.

Now, that wouldn't be the worst thing in the world. Warzone has, for the most part, delivered on its promises. It is, for sure, the ideal Battle Royale to be playing at the moment – especially if you're not a Fortnite fan – so if Battlefield manages to emulate its success and develop a similar model with Portal, that could be really cool. It would be a totally different product, of course, but could be a very cool evolution.

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In a follow-up tweet, Tom Henderson went on to say the following:

A bit of speculation on my part - But I think it's why #Battlefield2042 is called a "foundation" of Battlefield... Portal could keep its UI etc. moving forward in the next few games. Having Portal in the next game but completely changing it's UI etc. might be weird.


Again, if Tom Henderson is right here (and, let's face it, Tom Henderson usually is right), then we could be in for an interesting couple of years in Battlefield. If the game continues to innovate on its Portal creator and the old maps that are included, this will for sure be one of the franchises better products. That being said, future Battlefield games better be far better than Battlefield 2042. If they're not, then DICE and Electronic Arts can honestly go to hell. We've had enough of giving them our money for monstrosities like this.

Evan Williams

Australian gamer, musician, and journalist at EarlyGame. Currently living in Germany so no, I don't ride a Kangaroo to work. I am currently hard at work making our CoD and Rocket League pages the best on the internet. Lofty ambitions,...