Warzone 2 and Modern Warfare 2 brought sweeping changes to the Call of Duty franchise, including a new style of Battle Pass. This is how the new Battle Pass works and what BlackCell has to do with it.

A Battle Pass in Call of Duty is nothing new. However, the devs changed the way the battle passes work in Modern Warfare 2 and Warzone 2, and we think most fans will like the new system. Here's what they've changed and how it works.
Note: The new Battle Pass is shared between Modern Warfare 2, Warzone 2, and Warzone Mobile, so you can grind your way through no matter which CoD you're playing at the time.
How The New Battle Pass Works
Rather than unlocking items in a linear pattern from the first to the hundredth, you will now earn "Battle Pass Tokens", and you can use these tokens to unlock items you want. It's not quite as simple as just picking exactly what you want as soon as you get a new token, however.
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There will be 20 "sectors" to the Battle Pass (think of it like a skill-tree), and each Sector will have five different rewards within it. You use your tokens to unlock a sector, and then you can begin levelling up that sector by spending up to five more Battle Pass Tokens. Doing so will give you every reward within that sector.
This way, you will never have to level more than 5 levels in the Battle Pass before getting to any particular item you want. It's not a massive change, and if you used to get to 100 each season, then your experience won't really change. But for more players with less time to play, it's a big win and should allow them to still get the best items each season.
What Is BlackCell?
Starting with Season 3 additionally to the normal and the Premium Battle Pass there will also be a BlackCell offering. The BlackCell offering replaces the Battle Pass Bundle for 2,400 CP which used to give you the Premium Battle Pass with 20 tier skips.
BlackCell will cost $29.99 and include everything from the Battle Pass Bundle plus some additional content. So you will get the Premium Battle Pass with 20 tier skips, additional cool operator skins as well as one whole new sector serving as an alternate starting location. You can find more details her:
Do you like the new Battle Pass? We love the idea of being able to chose what we want to unlock, however, replacing the battle Pass Bundle with the more expensive BlackCell offering feels kinda greedy...
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