Warzone AS44 Blueprint: The Ruby Blaster

A new AS44 blueprint is popping up all over Warzone right now: the Ruby Blaster. But is it a good blueprint? What are the attachments like? And is it worth it?

Ruby Blaster
Something for Christmas? | © Activision Blizzard

Have you seen this weapon a lot recently? The Ruby Blaster is a new blueprint for the AS44 (Assault Rifle Foxtrot), that came out as part of the Christmas 2021 bundles. Now, before you leap for your wallets, allow us to answer some key questions for you. What bundle does the Ruby Blaster come from? And is it worth it?

Wondering how the AS44 stacks up against other assault rifles?


How To Unlock The Ruby Blaster?

To unlock the Ruby Blaster, you need to buy the Fox Runner bundle for 1800 CP ($17 approx.), which will unlock the following items for you:

  • Constanze Skin: Scarlet Elite
  • Reticle: Deco
  • Charm: Crimson Heart
  • Calling Card: Last Defiance
  • Emblem: Weathered Wings
  • Spray: Retro Riveter

You can check out what these look like beneath.

Fox Runner Bundle
It's not the cheapest bundle... | © Activision Blizzard

Personally speaking, we don't think much of the Constanze skin. The other cosmetics are pretty meh too, and the Deco reticle is terrible. So you're really buying this bundle for the AS44 blueprint if you do buy it. Which leads to our next question, is the Ruby Blaster worth the whole 1800 CP?


Is The Ruby Blaster Worth It?

The Ruby Blaster is a good blueprint if you're looking for an SMG-style AS44 build, but for 1800 CP, you can find nicer blueprints. You'll have to judge the aesthetic for yourself, but here are the attachments you get on the Ruby Blaster:

Ruby Blaster Blueprint
Some good attachments but far from meta. | © Activision Blizzard

And here's how these attachments compare to the meta AS44 build:

ComponentMetaRuby Blaster
MuzzleRecoil BoosterRecoil Booster
BarrelKovalevskaya 615MMEmpress 400MM
OpticSlate ReflectorMk. 3 Reflector
StockZac 12b CustomRemoved Stock
UnderbarrelSMLE Pistol GripCarver Foregrip
Magazine.30 Russian Short 60 Round Mags7.62 Gorenko 45 Round Mags
Ammo TypeFrangibleNone
Rear GripFabric GripPine Tar Grip
Perk 1Sleight of HandGung-Ho
Perk 2

Fully Loaded


You don't get a lot of meta attachments, as you can see, but you do get a very quick build. There's a lot of hip-fire accuracy with the Red Blaster configuration of attachments, and Gung-Ho makes the Sprint Out time effectively zero, so this works very well for a close-quarters focused weapon. If that's not something you're interested in, then check out some other bundles in the store:

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Jon Ramuz

Jon has a BA and an MA in English Literature, and as Content Lead for EarlyGame has written over 1,500 articles. He focuses on shooters, but also writes about entertainment and gaming in general....