Warzone: Fully Customizable Perk Packages Coming In Season 2

Unlike in the OG, in Warzone 2 we're forced to choose from a set of pre-selected perk-packages. But, fans seem to hate this change, and so in Season 2 it's being reverted to a choose-your-own perk system.

Perk Packages
Pre-selected Perk Packages will soon be removed from Warzone 2. | © Activision

Warzone Season 2 is coming very soon. And besides all the content we're getting, like the new Resurgence map, the devs will also be introducing a lot of pretty huge gameplay changes. Put simply, they want to bring back a lot of the original Warzone 1 mechanics and features, like the classic 1v1 gulag.

And we've just heard about another way in which they want to undo all the Warzone 2 changes: we can pick our own perks again!

Customizable Perk Packages In Warzone Season 2

In Season 2 we will be able to choose our own perks in our custom loadouts, rather than choosing pre-selected packages. However, it's not all good news, some of the MW2 perks will be removed entirely from Warzone. So we can pick our own perks now, but they're removing the most broken ones.

As the devs stated in their recent blog post about Season 2:

Season 02 will introduce customizable Perk Packages! This feature will launch with a slightly reduced pool of available Perks, which we may slowly reintroduce over time.

They haven't said exactly which perks are going to be removed from the pool yet, although no doubt Birdseye and Ghost.

Are you happy to see them go back on a lot of the changes they made to Warzone 2? Or, would you rather they stuck to their creative vision?

If you won't return to Warzone until Season 2, why not give the DMZ a go?

Jon Ramuz

Jon has a BA and an MA in English Literature, and as Content Lead for EarlyGame has written over 1,500 articles. He focuses on shooters, but also writes about entertainment and gaming in general....