Dragon Hunters: Heroes Legend Codes (October 2023): Free Packs & Gifts

Get bored in Dragon Hunters: Heroes Legend? Right here are collected all the codes for October 2023. They might be very beneficial!

We collected the working Dragon Hunters: Heroes Legend codes in this article. | © TTHmobi

Dragon Hunters: Heroes Legend is Android exclusive MMORPG in island tribal style. The game was released over a year ago but already got thousands of fans worldwide. Developers regularly release beneficial codes for every player to keep them in the game.

In this guide: you'll learn about Dragon Hunters: Heroes Legend active and expired codes. The article includes the redeeming guide and the source of new codes. Be sure it can be helpful for every active player.


How To Redeem Codes In Dragon Hunters: Heroes Legend

Before you learn the active and expired codes, let's look at how players can redeem codes in Dragon Hunters: Heroes Legend. The process is straightforward and won't take more than a few minutes.

  1. Open Dragon Hunters: Heroes Legend.
  2. Press on your Avatar icon in the top-left corner of the screen.
  3. Find the Activation Code button and press it.
  4. After that, insert the code into a text box.
  5. Press the button Claim Pack.
  6. Voila! Code is redeemed, and rewards are stored inside your Mail.
This in-game menu is used to redeem Dragon Hunters: Heroes Legend codes. | © TTHmobi

You only need to open Mail and then take your rewards from here.

While redeeming a code, be extremely careful with the spelling not to make any mistakes. If, for some reason, the code doesn't work, it means that it got expired. Ping us in the comments; we'll quickly add it to the expired list.


Dragon Hunters: Heroes Legend Active Codes (October 2023)

This was last updated on October 8

Want to get free rewards? Watch the list below and learn Dragon Hunters: Heroes Legend working codes.

  • 2023moon – Use code for Free Rewards
  • hello1001 - Use the code for Free Rewards

These codes work only for a few weeks. Thus, try to redeem them quickly not to miss any rewards.


Dragon Hunters: Heroes Legend Expired Codes (October 2023)

Once you know the active codes, check the list below and discover the expired ones.

  • HappyAug
  • DraGonBOATY
  • HAPPY0622
  • HappyKID
  • happypapa
  • STONE01
  • Star
  • LoveMom
  • STONE02
  • STONE03
  • STONE04
  • EGG0409
  • HUNTER0401
  • Hunter0308
  • DH888
  • DH2022
  • DH4399

These codes don't feature any rewards. Don't even waste your time redeeming them.


Where Do You Get Dragon Hunters: Heroes Legend Codes?

We understand that rewards from codes might be insufficient, especially if you are an experienced player. Therefore, we suggest you follow the developer's Facebook account. Here you can find codes, giveaways, and the latest Dragon Hunters: Heroes Legend news.

Once you are here, check out the latest video about Jedi Survivor:

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Nazarii Verbitskiy

Nazarii is a writer who wears many different hats. He works on codes for EarlyGame, while also writing guides on Mobile Matters. He previously wrote for WhatIfGaming and Gfinity Esports....