Alligator Kick Meme Explained: Why are They Fighting And Is It Even Real?

The alligator kick meme has been all across the internet. But is the picture real? Here is the alligator kick meme explained.

Alligator meme
The alligator kick meme explained | © Twitter

The picture of a large black man kicking an alligator in a swamp, surrounded by even more alligators, has taken the internet by storm. But what's the story here? Is the picture real? Here's the alligator kick meme explained.

Memes on the internet have truly evolved over the last couple of years. It seems like the weirder the picture, the higher its meme potential, and nothing beats a large black man gracefully kicking an alligator right in the face, while his buddies watch.

But what's the story? Why are they fighting? Oh, and is the picture even real to begin with? We will do our best to give you a satisfying explanation of the alligator kick meme.

The Alligator Kick Meme Explained: Why Are They Fighting?

Let's start this off by answering the important questions. So why are they fighting?

The answer is as relatable as it is simple. They're fighting over pizza! This became evident with a little more context added to the meme.

You see, the meme started off with a set of three pictures that tell a compelling story of a man just trying to enjoy some pizza in the swamp.

Then, an evil alligator sneaks up on him and steals a slice of pizza, while scattering the rest in the swamp! The man is rightfully upset.

So he decided to unpack is inner Kung Fu Panda, and gracefully kick the alligator in the face, with another three alligators watching!

So yeah, the story behind the meme is one of heartbreak, tragedy, and revenge.

Is The Picture Real?

No, it's obviously not real. Just looking at the individual pictures, you realize that something's off. Just look at the second picture! Why is there a huge chunk of pizza just levitating above the man? Where did his hat go?

Still, the realism of the pictures is astounding! Especially since the setting is so weird. And while the second picture can be easily spotted as fake, the third one (which became the meme) is shockingly realistic, which makes it all the more perfect for a meme.

Since the picture was released into the wild internet, people have been adding their own context to the situation, leading to the birth of a new viral and absolutely hilarious meme.

Robert Bachhuber

As a master graduate of sociology who wrote his thesis about Twitch, Robert knows a fair share about streaming. Adding to that, he loves binge-watching TV shows, so he got entertainment covered....