Will Amouranth Hold Her Own Convention?

Anime Matsuri has seen a decline in participants over the years after multiple sexual harassment complaints surrounding event manager John Leigh. Can Amouranth swoop in and replace the anime convention in her hometown?

Amouranth egirl agency
Will Amouranth have her own convention in Houston? | © Riot Games

We all know who Amouranth is by this point, right? She is one of the highest earning influencers online with her Twitch streams, OnlyFans and other projects. She's earned millions and recently she tweeted out something which could hint at her holding her own convention in her hometown of Houston.

The former cosplayer has been to multiple conventions before and knows how they work. On July 15, 2022 she sent out a Tweet asking if anyone has ever ran a convention, adding on that this wasn't a drill and that she was serious about this idea of a convention.

Why Does Amouranth Want to Run a Convention?

The second-biggest anime convention in the USA is held in Houston each year – Anime Matsuri. It is also managed by someone accused of sexual harassment John Leigh. To stamp this part home Amouranth retweeted multiple news articles in which the claims are revealed.

Amouranth added on her own comment asking whether "you [can] apologize away sexual harassment? What about offering an underaged girl alcohol (after you ask her age) and then asking their relationship status as a prelude to guesting?"

Even with these allegations out in the open, Leigh is still managing the anime convention in Houston, which is why Amouranth will want to step in to 'right a wrong' as she wrote in another tweet.

Will Amouranth Hold Her Own Convention?

Right now it is not confirmed whether Amouranth will run her own convention in Houston, Texas come next year. She did say she was serious about finding someone with experience in the sector and judging by her experience at Anime Matsuri there is incentive there for her to hold her own convention to replace the existing one.

Whether fans will go or think this is a Tanacon 2.0 situation will only be known with time. Back in 2018 YouTuber and influencer Tana Mongeau tried to hold her own convention Tanacon, but the event failed miserably, ruining the YouTubers image completely, though we doubt that Amouranth would go down the same path as Tana Mongeau.

Throughout the last few months Amouranth has shown that she is a capable businesswoman, no matter how insane the product might be. She even managed to sell her own farts for thousands of dollars and has had much success, so truth be told a convention run by her could be a success. But for now this is just a rumour and still coming off little information. Would you attend Amouranth's Anime Convention though?

Sabrina Ahn

Sabrina Ahn is the League of Legends and Riftfeed Lead. During her time at Concordia University in 2014 she fell in love with LoL and is playing it since – how she hasn't lost her sanity is still unclear....