"Free TopG" - Andrew Tate Fanboys Take to the Streets in Protest

Andrew Tate has been arrested, and his assets have been seized by Romanian officials as an investigation into sex trafficking has begun. Now, some of his most loyal fanboys have taken to the streets to protest his indictment.

Andrew Tate Arrest
Andrew Tate getting arrested earlier this month. | © Screenshot from Inside Edition

Andrew Tate has built himself an army of fanboys over the years that he was active on the internet. These young men will follow him and listen to whatever he has to say and while there is enough evidence already out there, it seems none of them believe it.

Well, on January 15, many of Tate's biggest fans in Greece came together in Athens to put on a protest to free him from "wrongful imprisonment".

Andrew Tate Fans in Greece Protest Against Wrongful Imprisonment of Online Celebrity

When Andrew Tate was arrested by Romanian authorities earlier this month he had one last thing to say, blaming "the Matrix" and it's "agents" on his arrest. Those words rung deep with the horde of fanboys he's accumulated and some of them have decided to take to the streets to protest against his wrongful imprisonment.

The mob of young men walked through the streets of Athens, Greece, chanting "Free TopG" at the top of their lungs, filming their protest. Why exactly Tate has so many fans in Greece is unknown, but he's sure made a name for himself all over the world and it could be that more protests like this one will pop up all over.

One Twitter user wrote, "If you are wondering why there's so much violence against women in Greece, these brats were protesting in Athens, because the bigoted moron Andrew Tate was arrested for human trafficking. They want to see him free."

Multiple people that attended the rally posted videos of the protest. Whether this will impact other Andrew Tate fans over the world and encourage them to go out and protest is unknown, but it is insane to think that this is happening right now, with the amount of evidence surfacing against the man.

It was revealed that years prior a woman went to UK law enforcement, with text messages and WhatsApp voice notes of Tate describing how he enjoyed raping her and how much he liked that "she was not enjoying the sex". At the time he was not charged, but more women have come out with similar experiences in the past.

Currently, Romanian authorities are seizing more and more of Tate's assets, and working on the alleged human trafficking case, but nothing has been revealed yet.

Sabrina Ahn

Sabrina Ahn is the League of Legends and Riftfeed Lead. During her time at Concordia University in 2014 she fell in love with LoL and is playing it since – how she hasn't lost her sanity is still unclear....