DC Reveals a Nice Little Black Adam Surprise

Black Adam is releasing soon enough, and, little by little, more things to get excited about are being revealed - like this post-credit scene.

Black Adam post-credits scene
I want a DC Universe built around Black Adam. Bats and Supes had their chance... | © DC

Black Adam has a lot riding on it: You don't simply attach the biggest name in show-business and call it a day if the movie turns out to be mediocre. No, Black Adam and The Rock have the task of reviving the DC Universe, because, thus far, the only movies DC has found any success with, exist outside of the DCEU. That being said, so far... Black Adam looks amazing, and the more we learn about it, the better it seems. So it's not a surprise that Black Adam will feature post-credit scenes to tie it into other DC movies.


Black Adam Post-Credits Scene Revealed

The Hollywood Reporter were the first to break the news, and, according to them, Black Adam will feature "a new post-credits scene introducing a new element to Johnson's place in the DC Universe". Beyond that, we don't have any details, but I imagine this will look to position Dwayne Johnson at the center of the revamped DC Universe.


That's interesting, considering that Black Adam is an anti-hero, and far from your traditional superhero. Still, after Superman and Batman kind of flopped, and the rest of the Justice League feel like support characters anyway, there will be no one left to challenge Black Adam for top dog. Besides, do you really see Dwayne Johnson not being the face of the franchise? Also, I would love a DCEU where somebody like Black Adam takes center stage - after all, Superman and Batman call the shots everywhere else. Time for something new...

Amidu Njiemoun

Amidu is a Brunel University graduate, and former published novel & screenplay writer turned gaming journalist and show host. He was a Senior Content Creator and Content Co-Lead at EarlyGame....