Ninja Net Worth: How Much Money Does The Iconic Fortnite Streamer Have?

How much is the net worth of Ninja, the OG most subscribed streamer, in 2023?

Ninja fortnite stream
What's Ninja's net worth? | © Twitch/Ninja

So, you know Tyler Blevins, right? He's kinda just your average dude... well, except for his wild hair color. But besides that, he's married, loves gaming, and yeah, he can get pretty heated sometimes – just like the rest of us, am I right?

But here's the thing that sets him apart: he's not just any old dude, he's Ninja. And being Ninja comes with some perks, like loads of cash. But hey, exactly how much dough does he rake in? Well, let's put our heads together and try to figure out Ninja's net worth!

Ninja burst onto the streaming scene back in 2017, right when Battle Royales were all the rage. Sure, Fortnite was his main gig and what really put him on the map, but Tyler's no one-trick pony. If he'd stuck solely to Fortnite, he probably wouldn't be swimming in cash like he is.

Remember when he made that move to Mixer? That was a game-changer, literally. Bagged him a few mil, easy. But now that he's back on Twitch, he's like a free bird spreading his wings again. And get this – he's not just sticking to one platform anymore. Nope, he's streaming on multiple platforms at the same time, maximizing his success like a pro.

Ninja Net Worth: How Much Money Does He Have?

So buckle up, close your seatbelts, it's getting hot in here! Ninja's net worth is in the tens of millions! That, we know for sure.

An accurate estimate is a bit difficult, so we had to put our brains to work, which was pretty difficult tbh. But that won't stop us from finding what Ninja's net worth is!

Looking at his biography, we've confirmed that he has more than a few sponsorship deals in his CV (shocking, I know). The top of the pile are the deals with worldwide mega-brands G FUEL , Red Bull or Adidas.

Oh, and don't forget the Mixer deal, which approximately earned Ninja between $20 – 30 million.

Sponsors are not the only income for Blevins. Far from it. He is still very much in the loop on Twitch and YouTube. In a recent Twitch stream, Ninja leaked his Twitch revenue, which amounted to $142.177,30 in the last 30 days just off of streaming. Adding the YouTube revenue which is estimated around $ 90k, we easily reach $200.000 a month just from streaming and uploading videos!

Don't forget, you have to add the sponsorships, as well as other ways to monetize his content, as Ninja is pretty smart at finding ways to maximize his profit, like he does by streaming on multiple platforms at the same time.

In the past, he broke the internet with his incredible sub record (which now has been broken twice), as well as his exclusive Mixer partnership. Nowadays, he makes cameos in blockbuster movies starring Ryan Reynolds.

Enough sweet talk, back to counting mountains of money.

Ninja's official estimated net worth is probably around $40 million if we account for his mixer deal, his monthly earnings, sponsorships, and other possible assets. You can't just forget about the 6,700 square foot mansion in the Chicago suburbs that Ninja acquired in 2018, which does per definition add to his overall net worth.

PewDiePie laughed off his official estimated net worth of $40 million, suggesting it's much higher than that. Ninja is no PewDiePie as a content creator, but he is up there in terms of endorsement deals, which should compensate somewhat.

Ignacio Weil

Content creator for EarlyGame ES and connoisseur of indie and horror games! From the Dreamcast to PC, Ignacio has always had a passion for niche games and story-driven experiences....