Racist Kick Streamer Confronted By American After Harassing Locals In Japan

Johnny Somali got confronted yet again for his habit of harassing locals. He doesn't have the best excuse for his behavior.

Johnny Somali gets confronted for his behavior. │ © Johnny Somali

The Kick streamer Johnny Somali is galavanting around Japan these days, becoming infamous for his inappropriate behavior towards locals there.

Thank God for people calling out his vile comments. This time, it's an American (presumably) who's had enough of Somali's shenanigans, telling him he's got a Japanese wife, so it's personal for him.


Johnny Somali Harasses Locals With Inappropriate Remarks

Apparently, Somali didn't get the memo that it's super inappropriate to harass people in Japan with comments about Hiroshima and Nagasaki. It's not funny or quirky and made even worse by the fact that the people on the train were simply minding their own business when he showed up.

Cue: a person with morals and personal stakes. In Somali's livestream, a man came up to him with a picture of Somali on his phone, asking him if that was him. "No" is Somali's first response, maybe knowing what's in store for him, but coming clean seconds later.

The stranger tells him how messed up it is to harass people minding their own business with one of the biggest tragedies for their country.

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Somali's defense was rather pathetic, repeatedly stating that he was drunk when he made those comments and that he already apologized. He wouldn't do it again. Shaking hands with him, the stranger seems to accept it.

It remains to be seen if Somali learned his lesson – we sure hope so. Dark humor is one thing, harassing people with country-wide trauma is another.


Tanja Haimerl

Tanja is obsessed with gripping stories in all kinds of media: games, TV shows and books alike. She did her Bachelor's thesis on The Last of Us, got her degree in media studies thanks to that and can't stop talking about it....