Tom Holland Is Done With Spiderman

Tom Holland doesn't want to dress up in tight suits anymore. Sad.

Tom holland quits spiderman
Do we blame Zendaya? Do we blame love? | © Tom Holland, Instagram

Tom, why you do us like that? We finally found the perfect Spiderman, and now he wants to call it quits? We had to go through Tobey and Andrew... we went from bad to good to... wait for it... amazing. And now this? Somehow I blame Zendaya for all of this, but let's start at the beginning:

Tom Holland Doesn't Want to Be Spiderman Anymore

Let's make this quick, like ripping of a band-aid: In an interview with GQ, Tom Holland said the following:

“Maybe it is time for me to move on. Maybe what’s best for Spider-Man is that they do a Miles Morales film. I have to take Peter Parker into account as well, because he is an important part of my life. If I’m playing Spider-Man after I’m 30, I’ve done something wrong.”

So, first of all: I'm past 30 and if I played Spiderman tomorrow, it'd be the biggest accomplishment of my life. Thanks, Tom. Appreciate the depression.

Second: Did he just spoil some of the Spoderman plot? I mean, we're getting a multiverse, so who's to say Miles Morales can't make an appearance? That, or Tom Holland is simply doing what all big-franchise actors do: Leave the franchise, because they've outgrown the role. While I do understand Tom Holland, I do have to say that this abandoning of blockbuster roles for the sake of becoming a 'real actor' feels a bit... disrespectful. Spiderman put Tom Holland on the radar, I think there's nothing wrong with committing just a couple more years. But hey... that's just me.

Amidu Njiemoun

Amidu is a Brunel University graduate, and former published novel & screenplay writer turned gaming journalist and show host. He was a Senior Content Creator and Content Co-Lead at EarlyGame....