Warner Bros. Plans To Expand Harry Potter & Lord of the Rings Franchises

Warner Bros. recently voiced its plans to continue growing some of its biggest franchises, namely the Lord of the Rings and Harry Potter.

Thumbnail Warner Bros
Looking at the Amazon original, Rings of Power, this just makes sense. | © Warner Bros.

Recently, Warner Bros. commented on its plans, to develop some of its biggest franchises, namely Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings, even further.

Excluding Star Wars, Lord of the Rings and Harry Potter have got to be the biggest franchises of all time. Both consist of multiple books, movies, games and don't forget all the fan fiction.

Now Warner Bros. voiced its plans to cement these franchises as the GOATs, by expanding them even further. Whether you liked it or not, The Rings of Power already gave fans a glimpse of what they can expect in the future.

Warner Bros. Looking To Expand Both Harry Potter & Lord of the Rings

Variety first reported on Warner Bros. Discovery CFO Gunnar Wiedenfels' vision to continue building the franchise, which he voiced during a panel at Morgan Stanley's investor conference.

While explaining their vision, he uses the success of Hogwarts Legacy as an example for the potential that still lies in the Harry Potter franchise.

“Take ‘Harry Potter’ as an example, the Wizarding World, the fact that we are enjoying this massive success with the ‘Hogwarts Legacy’ launch, 12 years after the last film came out, shows that there is so much opportunity, and we’re only just starting to expand that,”

He doesn't stop there, also showing interest in creating more Lord of the Rings movies, probably seeing the same potential in Tolkien's iconic franchise.

“David made a promise, very early on, to revitalize some of that iconic, tentpole IP, and we’re starting to make progress,” Wiedenfels said. “It’s exciting to see how people are coming in and out and how the creative community is embracing this opportunity to work with us. That’s going to bear fruit, over time.”

Well, hopefully we're going to see some bangers with this new wave of entries into those two iconic franchises. Hogwarts Legacy was a breath of fresh air and actually gets me excited about a possible future.

Robert Bachhuber

As a master graduate of sociology who wrote his thesis about Twitch, Robert knows a fair share about streaming. Adding to that, he loves binge-watching TV shows, so he got entertainment covered....