H3H3 Leaks DMs After Debate With xQc On YouTube-React Drama

During a recent broadcast, xQc debated H3H3 on streamers simply reacting to YouTube videos, pretty much stealing their content. After their discussion, H3H3 leaked DMs sent by xQc leading to more drama.

xQc vs. H3H3
xQc and H3H3 debate the react content on Twitch | © xQc, H3H3

Popular Twitch streamer xQc is a well known for doing his fair share of YouTube-react content, how else would he be able to provide content for his marathon streams?

Recently, that kind of content and xQc himself were at the center of controversy as YouTubers criticized streamers for uploading their videos, without really adding anything of their own.

Now, xQc debated Ethan and Hila Klein, the people behind the H3H3 podcast, on the matter. But it seems like the disconnect isn't easily breached, as after their call, xQc sent some salty DMs, which Ethan leaked.


xQc & H3H3 Have Heated Conversation About YouTube-React Content By Streamers

The whole drama surrounding react-content is nothing new. People have been calling out streamers and bigger YouTubers, like PewDiePie, for this type of content for a while now. To them, pretty much uploading the exact video on YouTube is especially problematic.

On August 8, xQc and H3H3 had a little debate about copyright and whether react-content was unethical.

Obviously, xQc was advocating that react-content isn't all that bad, even arguing that he wants “to make something good happen” by using the content of smaller creators.

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Ethan didn't really buy into that, though, claiming that X is only trying to “steal” others' content to enrich himself, taking attention and money away from the original creators.

There is an ethical way of doing react-content, though, as Ethan read out a message by one YouTube creator, stating how streamers like Hasan actually shout out the original creators, sending subscribers to their channel.


Apparently xQc doesn't do that, though, which feeds into the argument of bigger creators cannibalizing the content of others by doing react content, taking away from their viewership numbers without offering anything in return.

The argument between the two got pretty heated, with xQc even emoting at one point, doing a worm.

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The conversation ended without the two of them coming to terms, as Ethan decided to end the call, because it didn't seem like their debate was going anywhere.

Ethan Klein Leaks DMs From xQc After Copyright Debate

After the call, Ethan decided to leak DMs send by xQc on Twitter. Apparently, X wasn't all that happy about the way the discussion played out, or the way it ended.

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The two of them continued going back and forth in the DMs, with xQc claiming that they do care about the people whose videos they use for react-content and that "If they want something from us, we will give them".

Just like during the call, though, the two of them didn't really come to terms, which resulted in childish insults and flexing, especially by xQc.

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Streamers really face a ton of backlash at the moment, but Kai fucked up the worst!

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Robert Bachhuber

As a master graduate of sociology who wrote his thesis about Twitch, Robert knows a fair share about streaming. Adding to that, he loves binge-watching TV shows, so he got entertainment covered....