Wait, Did xQc Just Leak Overwatch 2?

xQc accidentally opened Overwatch 2 on stream a few days ago, possibly revealing the game's loading screen.

Xqc overwatch 2
xQc must have had a little heart attack when he accidentally leaked Overwatch 2 on-stream! | © xQc via Twitch

We're all pretty hyped for Overwatch 2's upcoming beta, it's going to be great, and we're all frothin' over it with much glee. So is Felix xQc, apparently, so much so that he almost leaked the darn game on a Twitch stream a few days ago. Apparently Blizzard has given xQc early access, and now we're wondering whether they're regretting their decision.

xQc is best known for his GTA RP adventures and various variety streams, as well as his insane number of Twitch followers. A little while back, he shared his rather shocking opinion on Elden Ring and, now, is probably regretting a little slip of his finger. The dude literally leaked Overwatch 2, and we're pretty certain he ain't feelin' too swell about it!

A former Overwatch pro, this streamer-juggernaut was a pretty obvious choice for the sequel's closed-beta. Overwatch 2 will enter its proper beta at some point in April 2022. Overwatch League pros currently have access, and are all remaining pretty darn tight-lipped about the game. Must be hard, we're all keen to get our hands on it!

xQc Leaked Overwatch 2

Whilst streaming on March 16, xQc was about to launch himself into a game of Overwatch when he accidentally launched Overwatch 2 instead. The streamer launched Battle.net and accidentally selected the "test server" for Overwatch 2's beta, instead of the original game. The game's loading screen appeared on the screen, and xQc flipped the fork out!

Oh my god oh my God. Oh my God! Oh my f**king God I’m going to go to f**king jail.

He immediately closed the game (of course) but was pretty freaked out by the accident, worrying instantly about going to jail. Let's ease his mind: don't worry, xQc, you're not going to go to jail for accidentally leaking the loading screen of an unreleased game. You'll be fine, honestly, the devs are probably pissin' themselves laughing!

The guy really does freak out a little too much. Could he have possibly done this on purpose, as a bit of a prank? We wouldn't put it passed him! Anyway, it was darn funny, and he is certainly not going to end up in jail over something this simple. He really, really won't. Chill, dude.

Evan Williams

Australian gamer, musician, and journalist at EarlyGame. Currently living in Germany so no, I don't ride a Kangaroo to work. I am currently hard at work making our CoD and Rocket League pages the best on the internet. Lofty ambitions,...