New Bug in FIFA 22: Problems With FUT Champions Cards

The FUT Champions Cards in FIFA 22 are unexchangeable – until last weekend. For a short time they could be offered on the transfer market. EA reacted and removed the cards from the game.

FIFA 22 Ultimate Team Weekend League FUT Champions Finals Player Pick Bug
Where are the rewards, EA?

You play the FUT Champions Finals, the new Weekend League, and after hours of sweating and screaming, you finally want to redeem your well deserved FUT rewards. But if you wanted to take care of your FUT Champions Player Picks last weekend, you got... nothing. Nothing than sore desperation. EA Sports removed the red FUT Champions cards from FIFA 22 Ultimate Team! But what's behind all that trouble?


Actually, the player picks that you earn in the Weekend League should be a personal reward. That is why the cards are not exchangeable, so you cannot earn coins with them on the transfer market. However, a bug made the miracle possible: For a short time, the player picks could be offered on the transfer market you were able to make some sweet cash. EA Sports announced that they would find the cause of the problem and took the cards out of the game. Now the cards are back, but there are still some issues with the player picks.

FUT Champions Finals Bug: No Player Picks in FIFA 22

The problem is said to have been resolved by now, but many players are still waiting for their rewards. EA Sports reassured its community in a tweet that everyone would get their rewards. But that could take some time:

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This situation shows once again that EA is getting one problem after the other with FIFA 22. While the community was already upset about the unbeatable goalkeepers or the OP finesse shot, the next bug is already in progress. Don't joke with our Weekend League Rewards, EA. We suffered too much for them.

Of course, no game can be completely bug-free right from the start. But FIFA is just another story. Each release has its quite big illnesses. One could expect that the publisher has learned something throughout the last couple of decades. But EA is probably already thinking about the future of the FIFA series – and its renaming.

Since the reasons for the FUT Champions Player Pick Bug are not quite clear yet, we don't want to hate too much on EA either. The company has announced that it will keep the community up to date on Twitter and replace the still missing player picks. How long that will take... probably only the FIFA god himself knows.

What are your experiences with FIFA 22? Let us know on Facebook and Twitter!

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