FIFA 22: FUT Champions Upgrade SBCs!

Once you're qualified for the Weekend League in FIFA 22, it is easier than ever to get your hands on good rewards. But since you still usually pull trash, you can now recycle it for better picks. The FUT Champions Upgrades are here!

FUT Champions Upgrade SBC FIFA 22
Exchange bad picks and get something... gud? | © EA Sports

We all know the Struggle: A large part of the weekend is spent on sweaty-grinding in the Weekend League in order to get the best rewards possible. But the rewards are usually not that decent. We rarely get pack luck anyway, and for our Player Picks we regularly get three benchwarmers from the current TOTW. Sound familiar?

Until now. The useless red cards have been stewing in the back corners of our clubs, but that's about to change. Publisher EA has finally brought back the FUT Champion Upgrade SBCs into FIFA 22. Let's take a closer look at them.


FUT Champion Upgrade SBC Summary

If you've been keeeping up-to-date, you already know that there will be two types of SBCs. EA is granting both a FUT Champions Upgrade and a FUT Champions Premium Upgrade. The requirements of the two challenges differ a bit - you either have to trade in more or less players. Your reward is also based on this. Here's exactly how it pans out?

SBCsPrice, lolRewards
FUT Champions Upgrade-FUT Champions Player (83-86 OVR)
FUT Champions Premium Upgrade-FUT Champions Player (1 of 3 86+ OVR)

As you can see, there are two big fat zeros in the price column. Unlike other SBCs rewarding you with special cards, this challenge doesn't cost you a penny. Just trade in a few useless players and you're good to go. Depending on how many of them you have lying around in your club, you can grab an 83-86 OVR or an 86+ OVR.

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Are the FUT Champions Upgrades in Fifa 22 worth it?

In our humble opinion, definitely! Well, at least if you've been competing in the Weekend League over the past few months. Then there are probably a few red player picks lying around in your club that have no added value anyway. So why not trade them in and hope for a bit more pack luck the second time around?

Pros for the Champions UpgradesCons for the Champions Upgrades
  • Two SBCs with different requirements
  • It's "free"; only Player Picks necessary
  • It's repeatable
  • Pack luck still not guaranteed

FUT Champions Upgrade SBCs Cheapest Solution & Rewards

What is the cheapest way to buy the FUT Champions Upgrade SBCs? Usually we would show you the cheapest solution here, but.... every solution is the cheapest! It doesn't cost anything. The only difference between the FUT Champions Upgrade and the FUT Champions Premium Upgrade is the requirement. So let's take a look at what you need to trade in for both upgrades:


FUT Champions Upgrade SBC Requirement [83-86 OVR]

  • FUT Champ Player: Min. 5

FUT Champions Premium Upgrade SBC Requirement [1 to 3 86+ OVR]

  • FUT Champ Player: Exactly 11
  • Squad Rating: Min. 81
  • Team Chemistry: Min. 20

To summarise: You pretty much do not have to care about Team Chemistry at all. Just trade in a few red player picks and pay attention to the overall Squad Rating in the Champions Premium Upgrade SBC. That's also why there are no pictures of the teams today. Sorry not sorry.

SBCs are extremely popular in FUT. Check out these Challenges:

Marco Kilian

Marco was a Content Writer at EarlyGame, covering all things FIFA and Rocket League....